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{tooltip}Analysis of Financial Statements for Prediction of Financial Soundness of the Banks{end-texte}Abstract – For the banking system of any economic to achieve these injective it muse stable and sound but in stability is what your baking system is own for this banks could no longer service. Performance evaluation aiming of determine potential of failure of an organization is desirable to avoid the in numerable consequences of liquidation ranging from loss of deposit by depositors loss of job by employees, loss of revenue by government to lose confidence in the system and eventual retardation of the country’s economy But banking crises a sub set financial crises has become global and common phone mean in U.S.A. 2008 -09 American banks were faced problem with the liquidity and recovery of loan . In Indian banking sector plays very vital role of Indian economic in financial sectors but this study can predict health of bank when banking sector will safer from financial crises at that time we will use this model for predict bank financial situation and we can take steps for bank in short . We can say (EWS) early warning system, it is very important in Indian economic to save financial institute like bank. Current privatization effort of India government also require a sound banking system this process of development may be interrupted by failure in banking sector.{end-tooltip} |
Dhaval Desai |
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{tooltip}IT sector in India – Evolution, Growth and a Tool of Economic Development{end-texte}Abstract – The performance of the Indian IT sector has been a success story all over the world. In India, software export had been started around 1974, when TCS was established. Now days, India is referred as the back office of the world owing mainly to IT and IT sector. The revenue growth of the IT sector has been very impressive. Today, more than 66% of revenues for the Indian IT sector come from foreign export The sector has increased its contribution to India’s GDP from 1.2% in F.Y. 199798 to 7% in 2014-15.The main aim of this paper has to assess the possible role of IT in broad-based economic development of India. This paper discusses the concept and meaning of IT and ITeS industry, Evolution of IT sector in India, reasons for growth of IT sector in India, future threats, and contribution of IT sector in GDP of India and future development of IT sector in India.{end-tooltip} |
Idrish Allad |
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{tooltip}Value Chain Analysis – Tool of Strategic Cost Management{end-texte}Abstract – Strategic Cost Management is the overall recognition of the cost relationships among the activities in the value chain, and the process of managing those cost relationships to a firm’s advantage. Also known as Cost Management Theory. Strategic cost management is a program established businesses use in order to regularly identify and analyse cost drivers to lower costs and maximize total value. Strategic cost management is blend of value chain analysis (how we organize our thinking about cost management?) Strategic positioning analysis (what role dose cost management play in firm?) cost driver analysis. My study is only focused on value chain analysis. Here introduction about value chain analysis, definition, key point, objectives, types of firm activities and uses of value chain analysis.{end-tooltip} |
Pro. Sonal Jarivala |
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{tooltip}The Role of Public and Private Sectors Bank with Special Reference to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana{end-texte}Abstract – Banking system plays a leading role in the development and growth process of the economy though our banking sector had not realized expected growth before the launching of the scheme Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. Especially in rural areas people were not more interested in opening the account even in urban area the approach of banking was comparatively slow. Banking sectors specifically public sectors were not showing much interest in the opening of saving bank account whereby people can cultivate saving habits by deposit small lot and can generate some savings. But with the introduction of the above scheme number of accounts has been opened. The public sector banks are cooperating in the scheme while private banks are not contributing much in the same is the limitation part.{end-tooltip} |
Kalpesh Gandhi |
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{tooltip}Recent Trends in Telecommunication Sector in India{end-texte}Abstract – In fewer than twenty years, mobile phones have gone from being rare and expensive pieces of equipment used by businesses to a pervasive low-cost personal item. In the era of information explosion, people are to be provided with quick and timely access to information. Indian Telecom industry is one of the fastest growing telecom markets in the world. In earlier day the mobile phone being viewed as an expensive luxury only affordable to the power and rich .Today, not only in all urban areas, also in smaller towns and remote rural farms, the mobile phone has become a common, affordable, and convenient communication device. Reduction in the tariff has made affordable to all and increased its uses significantly. In telecom industry, service providers are the main drivers; whereas equipment manufacturers are witnessing growth. In this light, the present study deals with current trends in telecommunication industry.{end-tooltip} |
Sameer S. Manek |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Return in Growth Fund and Dividend Fund (A Study of HDFC Equity and LIC Infrastructure Fund{end-texte}Abstract – Finance refers to funds or monetary resources required by individuals and the government to purchase all types of assets and securities. In the term financial system the word ‘system’ implies a set of complex and closely connected or intermix institutions, agents, markets, transactions, practices, claims and liabilities in the economy. In a modern economy, finance may be defined as the provisions of money at the time when it is wanted. In Simple Words, Mutual fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the investors and investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer document.{end-tooltip} |
Falguni J. Pandit |
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{tooltip}Problems of Female Worker{end-texte}Abstract – Many factors are responsible for the changing the scenario of women’s dignity not in the society but in the economy, politics, professions, etc. Industrialization, urbanization, higher female education, evolution and revolution of new thinking etc. are the major factor for changing the whole scenario.{end-tooltip} |
Sagar M. Desai |
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{tooltip}Changing Rule of Advertising to Woo Rural Consumers{end-texte}Abstract – As a matter of fact, the face of Indian rural market has drastically been changed due to green revolution, white revolution & Government schemes resulting into rise in rural income and aspiring for better standard of living. Subsequently, availability of infrastructure facilities and mushrooming of rural demands have opened the doors of opportunities for rural marketing. As urban market is getting saturated and rural market has a potential to grow further, producers are now focusing more on rural marketing to access the untapped rural area. Looking at the present rural market scenario, rural consumer basket is consisted of major popular brands and hence, rural marketing is at the edge of developing. This paper widely talks effective advertising strategy for rural markets. The author has made a sincere attempt to assist in developing advertising and managing it in rural market with help of secondary data and theoretical information. Additionally, this paper suggests a rural marketer to carefully think of advertising strategy after thoroughly scanning of rural environment. Moreover, a rural marketer should emphasize on concentrated marketing, a combination of pull and push strategy, syndicate strategy, celebrity marketing & a blend of appropriate media keeping in mind rural market set up.{end-tooltip} |
Sushilkumar M. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Virtual Organization – the Paradigm of Globalization{end-texte}Abstract – In the modern era of economic liberalization and globalization, business environment has become highly competitive and turbulent. In order to survive and grow in a fast changing and highly uncertain environment, business organizations have to become more flexible and adaptive and highly responsive. Adami says ” Flexible or dynamic organizations are said to have internal structures and capabilities to facilitate responsiveness and adaptability to changes in economic and market conditions, changes in Government policy and employment legislation, unemployment, developments in technology and methods of production, competitiveness and removal of skill boundaries.” In order to build flexibility and responsiveness in organizations, several work practices, e.g, flexi time, jobsharing, home based working is being used. Another option is a virtual organization. The business environment will no doubt require firms to become even more flexible, more agile, and to bring products and services to market at an increasing rapid pace. Traditional organization firms are no longer capable of sustaining the needs of this relentless pace. This article brings out the essential features, evolution, types, technologies, issues and challenges of the new form of organizations.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Piyush N. Marthak |
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{tooltip}Corporate Social Responsibility: Making CorporateMore Accountable{end-texte}Abstract – As corporate are emerging day by day, so their accountability & responsibility has also risen to a greater extent. Government, Social organizations pressurizing the companies to behave socially and in more accountable ways. Corporations or firms conduct their business in such a way that it is ethical, social friendly and beneficial to the community in terms of overall development. This paper is therefore an attempt to understand the corporate accountability and social responsibility as per domestic and international perspective.{end-tooltip} |
Ruchita Dang et al. |