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{tooltip}Modern Portfolio Theories Give Higher Return then NSE Nifty{end-texte}Abstract – In Indian economy it is considered as NSE Nifty represents optimum portfolio and it is represents market condition. As NSE Nifty considered as barometer of Indian economy here Author would like to compare return of NSE Nifty with self constructed optimum portfolio using modern portfolio theories. To test null hypothesis here all the Indexes return are taken and then different parameters are obtained like standard deviation, beta value, correlation etc.. Using single index model specific cut of rate would be obtained and then selected Indexes included in the optimum portfolio and then return of optimum portfolio and return of NSE Nifty is compared. {end-tooltip} |
Hiteksha S. Joshi |
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{tooltip}Children’s Rights in India at a Glance{end-texte}Abstract – Child development is very important matter for any country. Child development is only possible in the positive, supportive and healthy environment. So it is responsibility of any Government to provide such a required environment. Rights plays vital role in the development of child. All the rights must be given to the Children in theory and practice. Government has to make such programmes and policies for the children. All programmes, policies, schemes, laws, act regarding children must be implemented properly. In Indian Constitution fundamental rights are provided to all children but major problem is that these fundamental rights are not properly implemented in practice.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Rina D. Joshi |
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{tooltip}Green banking in India: A Review of Literature{end-texte}Abstract – In the environment friendly society “Go Green” mantra has become relevant in each and every aspect of business. There is a wave of change with all business activities to not only focus on profit but also on people and planet. Due to environment consciousness and awareness businesses can no longer run after profits only. There is a move towards green economy and in every sphere organizations have to be environmentally sensitive. One such area is Green Banking. Green Banking means ensuring environment friendly practices in banking sector and thereby reducing internal and external carbon footprints. Broader view is having green criteria as a lending principle. Banking industry is generally not considered as polluting industry. But it impacts the environment in terms of increasing energy consumption (lighting, air conditioning), paper consumption. This paper attempts to conduct a review of literature on Green Banking and find the major problems in implementation of this green phenomenon. The study highlights lack of consumer awareness and education as a major obstacle. Public sector banks are keener in adopting green practices as compared to private banks. SBI is taken as a case to show what all steps banks can take to face the green challenges.{end-tooltip} |
Neyati Ahuja |
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{tooltip}Millennium Development Goals – India’s step Forward towards Inclusive Growth{end-texte}Abstract – Economic developments has always remained the aim or target of every economy of world and have also made efforts accordingly. Obviously, world has put forward efforts in the direction of economic development. But in the present time, economic development seems insufficient yardstick to measure real development of the country. Strategies and policies need to be revised or rethink to guide economy even in the field of social development as well as inclusive growth. World at present is facing many problems and passing through difficulties of different forms and need to find solutions for the same. Inclusive growth is the only way to distribute fruits of economic development to huge mass of world. Research article tries to study the step taken by United Nations meet towards inclusive growth through Millennium Development Goals.{end-tooltip} |
Hiren R. Raval |
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{tooltip}A Study XBRL – An Excellent Tool of Financial Reporting Language{end-texte}Abstract – In today’s competitive world, there is need for a new business reporting language which is fulfilled by the XBRL. It acts as a common language for financial reporting electrically. This article presents the history and meaning of XBRL. It also discusses XBRL terminologies, benefits of XBRL, implementation process of XBRL and potential area of research.{end-tooltip} |
Idrish Allad |
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{tooltip}Class Action Suits: A tool of togetherness{end-texte}Abstract – Class action suits are a law suit that allows a large number of people with a common interest in a matter to sue or to be sued as a group. India has recently introduced the concept of Class Action Suit as per Companies Act 2013. But on the other hand this concept is not new in U.S, U.K and Singapore. This paper is therefore an attempt to describe class action suit and to understand the purpose of class actions suits, also the paper tries to make an attempt as to how class action suits are better compared to individuals fling various individual suits.{end-tooltip} |
Ruchita Dang et al. |
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{tooltip}Synthesis and characterization of Diverse Pyrrole Derivatives clubbed with Coumarin {end-texte}Abstract –Pyrrole moiety contacting heterocyclic molecules exhibit significance biological potential. Synthesis of 4-(substituted phenyl)-1-(substituted phenyl)-2-methyl-N-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-4-yl)-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxamide was achieved by one pot multicomponent reaction of acetoacetanilide bearing coumarin motif, nitro methane, substituted aldehydes and primary amine in presence of lewis acid.{end-tooltip} |
Aamish P. Khamar, Anirul V. Gothi, and Bdipak C. Patel |
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{tooltip}An efficient Synthesis Pyrano 2,3-c pyrazole Derivatives and their antimicrobial evaluation{end-texte}Abstract – Synthesis of highly diverse pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles was achieved by one pot multicomponent reaction using piperidine as catalyst. The structures of synthesized derivatives were elucidated by various spectrometric techniques like FT-IR, Mass, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The synthesized derivatives were subjected to various antimicrobial activities like antibacterial and antifungal.{end-tooltip} |
Nirul V. Gothi, Amish P. Khamar, Dipak C. Patel |