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{tooltip}Evaluating Customer Satisfaction of an Indian Public Sector Bank Using Customer Relationship Management{end-texte}Abstract – The concept of banking is not simply confined to accepting deposits, lending and money transmissions but also to insurance, advisory service, merchant banking, factoring and the like. To meet the competition in the market, the banks have to plan marketing strategies to achieve customer satisfaction by providing the customer with what he wants, when he wants and where he wants. Customer relationship management (CRM) integrates customers, service processes and technology to maximize relationship with all customers, distributional channel numbers, internal customers and suppliers. CRM results in better margins with enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced administrative costs. Random sampling method is adopted for the collection of data from the respondents. In Thiruchirappalli regional office of State Bank of India, area operations are selected within 10 kilometer radius from the Main branch and 60 questionnaires per branch have been distributed in 10 branches. Out of 600 questionnaires, 109 are found incomplete and 491 are fully complete with 81.83% of response rate. The data collected were analyzed with the help of ANOVA single factor and weighted ANOVA by using SPSS Package. The respondents are satisfied with the attitude of the bank towards them and the information provided by the bank regarding the products and services.{end-tooltip} |
Mohammed Arif Shaikh |
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{tooltip}A Study of Brand Loyalty for Cosmetic Products among Youth{end-texte}Abstract – Apparently, Y-generation is style and fashion dominated and would like to be referred as style icon. In fact, their needs now no longer remain latent due to availability of various cosmetic products. The presence of cosmetic industry has completely redefined the fashion & revitalized the life of even growing age people with innovation of anti aging cream & colorant solution. Building a strong brand loyalty is believed to be a challenging task for a marketer involved in flourishing cosmetic industry because of the presence of well known and good domestic and international quality brands. This study tries to find out a particular cosmetic brand which is popular and regular stuff of youth’s basket irrespective of any purpose. For data analysis and testing of hypothesis, Chi-square test, Garrett Ranking method & descriptive statistic have been used. The findings indicate that brand loyalty has no significant association with gender and domiciles of users of cosmetic products. Similarly, annual spending on cosmetic products and domiciles of youth are statistically independent variables. Results also disclose that an excellent quality of a cosmetic brand was highly ranked by majority of respondents followed by satisfaction of needs & brand Name.{end-tooltip} |
Sushilkumar M. Parmar |
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{tooltip}World Trade Organization: An Introduction{end-texte}Abstract – This paper seeks to provide an overall idea about the World Trade Organization so as to equip the reader with basic knowledge of its history, structure, various agreements, etc. WTO is an international organization preceded by GATT. It works through multilateral agreements between member nations and determines the rules of trade. It has made tremendous changes in trading in goods and services, standards, protecting intellectual property, etc. This paper elaborate on these and many other aspects.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Shilpa Garg et al. |
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{tooltip}Procurement and Training Practices of Selected Dairy Units in Gujarat{end-texte}Abstract – In this paper, a research is done on “PROCUREMENT AND TRAINING PRACTICES IN SELECTED DAIRY UNITS OF GUJARAT”. Here ten dairies of Gujarat has been selected randomly for the research work. This paper describes Procurement and training practices of selected dairy units in Gujarat. For present study ten dairy units have been selected and from each unit 4 managers (employers), 5 employees and 1 union leader have been selected using simple random sampling method. Almost all dairy units are going well with procurement and training practices. Majority of the employees were satisfied with this practice of their dairy units. Almost all employers said that they were doing fair practices and their employees were also satisfied with the present practice. It is concluded that Amul dairy had best setup of procurement and training practices followed by other dairy units.{end-tooltip} |
Draupadi A. Gidhwani et al. |
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{tooltip}A Study on Performance Evaluation of Selected Equity Mutual Funds in India{end-texte}Abstract – In India capital market endows with a variety of investment alternatives to the investors, to assist them to invest in different investment tools and to make certain the profitable return. Along with diverse range financial products, mutual fund ensures the maximum return and minimum risks to the investors. Development of various mutual fund schemes in the Indian capital market has proved to be one of the most catalytic investment avenue in generating significant investment growth .The Asset management companies are taking vigorous part in financial affluence and they promote investment practice among the investors At present there are 44 Asset Management Companies (AMCs) contain the mutual fund industry. In this context, close monitoring and performance evaluation of mutual funds has become more essential. This Mutual fund industry has witnessed magnificent growth in past few years. This study is aimed at evaluating performance of mutual funds and also to inspecting the role of asset management companies in reference to public and private sector. The main objective of this study work is to study financial performance of selected mutual fund schemes through the statistical parameters such as (beta, standard deviation, coefficient of determination, Sharpe ratio). The findings of this study will helpful to investors for their investment decisions in future.{end-tooltip} |
Priyanka G. Bhatt et al. |
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{tooltip}Analysis of IndiGo’s profitability in the draining Indian Civil Aviation Industry{end-texte}Abstract – This study was evaluates the reasons for the continued profits of IndiGo Airlines, the country’s largest low-cost carrier, in an otherwise highly volatile Indian Civil Aviation sector. IndiGo Airlines, announced a fivefold increase in net profit to Rs 787 crore for the FY 2012-13. Rivals Jet Airways and Spice Jet together made a loss of over Rs 671 crore in the same financial year. This was IndiGo’s fifth straight year of profit, while the industry lost Rs 46,000 crore in the five-year period. IndiGo’s profitability is a study in contrast compared to the draining Aviation industry.
The study also analyses the reasons for IndiGo being the first choice of carriers for many fliers. It became the largest airline in India in terms of market share by August 2012 (27%), in the process dethroning the full-service carrier Jet Airways, which had held that position for many years. The airline had reached the pole position in just six years after operations commenced. This report has been compiled using the secondary data sourced from authentic sources like Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA), an aviation consulting and research firm, The Economic Times, Martin Consulting, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC)& KPMG.
IndiGo’s success can be attributed to deft operational performance and financial engineering in the form of sale-and-leaseback transactions. IndiGo has been the most active user of sale-and-leaseback financing among no frills carriers and makes most of its money through these transactions. {end-tooltip} |
Dr. Sunil Patel |
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{tooltip}Land Acquisition in India by the State for Industries{end-texte}Abstract – In this paper we examine the theoretical foundations of land acquisition carried out by the Indian states for industries. We try to look at the implications of such acquisition on natural resources, food security and employment. We also look at the impact of such acquisition on agriculture and try to understand it’s role in the development of industries as well as the economy. We also look at the various concerns that arise due to current policies of land acquisition and the suitability of such policies.{end-tooltip} |
Arjun Teotia |
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{tooltip}Post-merger Post-mortem: A Corporate CBA and Strategic Outlook{end-texte}Abstract – Perhaps the business horizons are moving faster than forecasts leaving no alternative to the corporate heads to be passionate about merging or acquiring their counterparts than to get extinct. Financial wizards always believe that such a snoopy behavior encourages competitive environment in general and especially for high-tech ones having a premium on price and speed. Not surprisingly this hash makes most of the deals get closed quickly having a clear nod from the shareholders and the bureaucratic cauldron. Undeniably this riff-raff environment leaves some errors overlooked that may put the companies in soup later. Therefore, it would be wise to have good knowledge and equipped with sufficient tools to be an effective corporate advisor or a crusader. This paper attempts to throw light on some of the vital insights into the process of combining companies the right way to merge or acquire than getting stuck in the middle.{end-tooltip} |
Rajesh Kumar Nigah |