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{tooltip}Determinants of the Total Actual Cost of Reproductive Healthcare Services in Patna{end-texte}Abstract – Reproductive health care is an essential component of basic care for women. There are direct and positive link among reproductive health, economic growth and development. It has been widely recognized that investment in the reproductive health of the poor can enhance growth and reduce poverty. There is strong empirical evidence suggesting significant correlation in between health and economic growth. Present study aims to analyze the total actual cost of reproductive healthcare services (TACRHS) in Patna which is capital of Bihar. It aims to identify the determinants which affect the total actual cost of reproductive healthcare Services (TCRHCS) with respect to predelivery, delivery and post delivery expenditure of the household which they actually incurred on reproductive healthcare services. The study found that total actual cost of reproductive healthcare services increases with the increase in caesarean delivery and in services of private hospitals. The study also found that expenditure on reproductive healthcare services increases with increase education, wife working status, households’ monthly income, early delivery complications. While total actual expenditure on reproductive healthcare services decreases with increase in the birth order of children, expectation of the birth of girl child, increase in numbers of member in the family, in joint families and insurance awareness of the respondents.{end-tooltip} |
Rachna Mathur |
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{tooltip}HR Interventions for Work Life Balance{end-texte}Abstract – The Typical 1960s – 70s employee’s workplace and hours were clearly specified, which is no longer true for a large segment of today’s workforce. The major complain of today’s workforce is the blurring of line between work and non work time, which creates personal conflict and stress. This is the era of a major shift in the technology, which leads the organizations towards the shift in the workplace. Before several decades employees showed up at work Monday through Saturday and did his or her job in eight or nine hours chunks, but today communication technology has let workplace invade their home, bedrooms and even social functions Addition to that due to globalization, the organizations are asking employees to put in longer hours. It is unusual for employees to work more than 45 hour a week, and some work much more than 50. Finally today’s married employee is typically part of a dual-career couple, which makes it difficult for married employees to find the time to fulfill commitments to home, spouse, children, parents and friends. Employees increasingly recognize that work is squeezing out their personal lives. Recent studies suggest that employees want jobs that offer flexibility in their work schedules so that they can manage their work life conflict. Here through this paper I would enlighten some factors responsible for blurring the lines between employee work and personal lives. Our paper identifies the factors responsible for work/life conflicts and their effects. Our study also suggest some solutions to deal with these problem by having evidence from the organizations in India.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Rima Parikh et al. |
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{tooltip}Rural Customer’s Mindset: A Study of Soap and Detergent Categories{end-texte}Abstract – Rural Market is the most attractive market for FMCG product as this market is still untapped and the increased disposable income and brand preferences it is now becoming the preferred market for the entire FMCG market ruler In this research we have put an effort to understand the consumer mindset towards the purchasing of FMCG products in rural market especially in soap and detergent category in wagodiya district of Gujarat. During research 230 respondents from different villages in the district was examined using a structured questionnaire, with closed-ended questions, employing a convenient sampling technique.
The outcome of the research is in continuation with earlier research that price is still a prevailing factor for rural population. Awareness of products is below average in rural consumer. It also gives us idea that rural consumer is becoming brand consciousness and preferring to continue with their existing product they are using than to switch new brands. Rural consumer prefers to purchase from local shop keeper due to availability of their local product on cheaper rate and credit facility provided from their end. A rural person spends nearly 5% of his income on soap and detergent segment which indicates good opportunity for rural consumers targeting companies{end-tooltip} |
Amrita Singh et al. |
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{tooltip}A Glance into Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian and Budding Economies{end-texte}Abstract – In modern existence, researchers and administrators have dedicated significant concentration to the strategic insinuations of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Unswerving with McWilliams and Siegel (2001), CSR can be defined as circumstances where the business firm goes further than conformity and acts to supplementary some social excellent, away from the interests of the business firm and that which is obligatory by commandment. CSR activities have been posited to embrace integration of social characteristics into products and manufacturing progressions, approving progressive human reserve management practices (promoting employee empowerment), attaining higher levels of ecological recital through recycling and pollution abatement (plummeting emissions), and advancing the ambitions of centre of population organizations . In this framework I have premeditated the hypothetical aspect of CSR including the Global Reporting proposal and CSR Legislation standards and also considered few precise cases of CSR activity and CSR infringement in India.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Vipin Aggarwal et al. |
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{tooltip}Country of Origin Effects on Consumer Behavior{end-texte}Abstract – This piece of research paper deals with country of origin effects on consumer behavior. It is a review of all the researches that has taken place over so many years in this area. It provides an answer that country of origin do effect consumer beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. Country image effect and tendency of consumer to be ethnocentric leads to certain biases for certain products of certain countries which neutralizes as consumer become more familiar with the product and involved in his purchase. Difference in demographic profile of consumer also leads to varying degree of country of origin effects. This study is an important piece of information for marketers who often are in dilemma about the choice of strategy to be adopted because world even though globalized is still running carrying boundaries of its cultural, political and economic environment.{end-tooltip} |
Vandana Munjal |
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{tooltip}Comparison between India and Australia with Respect to Corporate Governance{end-texte}Abstract – Governance means monitoring the way in which activities are directed and controlled. When the term governance is used in context of companies, it becomes corporate governance, which means monitoring the way in which activities are directed and controlled in the companies. Because of the breakout of humungous number of scandals around the world since late 20th century, this concept of corporate governance has been able to gain prominence across the globe. Different nations have different kind to structures to deal with the prevention of scandals and collapses, but the economies can and should always learn from each others’ experience and systems.{end-tooltip} |
Shasta Gupta |
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{tooltip}Comparative Advertising Effectiveness with Legal and Cross Culture Framework{end-texte}Abstract – In words of Leo Burnett “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” And in today’s world advertising has become a battlefield for creating unique, cutting-edge, and innovative ways to communicate information to customers to facilitate and positively influence their buying decisions. When advertising is taken to a competitive level, companies tend to promote their products and services by comparing them with those of their competitors to gain consumers’ attention and enhance their sales. This form of advertising is stated as Comparative Advertising.
Due to novelty of Comparative Advertising as a promotional technique, there has been proportionately lesser research findings and a very loosely defined legal framework, especially in India. So, this article tries to review the literature on the effects and come out with general findings on the use and effectiveness of Comparative Advertising. The understanding of the law and the effects of Comparative Advertising is also studied on cross country basis due to the changing scenario of trade and commerce in the world or in other words, due to increasing Globalization. Manufacturers of goods or services, target the whole world as their market which leads to the need of monitoring their audience very closely. A cross country study helps to fulfill this need and understand the differences in national cultures and how Comparative Advertising is perceived in these cultures.{end-tooltip} |
Meghna Singh |
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{tooltip}Financial Sector Reform and Economic Growth in Zambia-An Overview{end-texte}Abstract – Over the recent past financial sector reform especially in SSA has become a challenging task for policy maker, academician and practitioner. In This paper, I will attempt to review of Mahendra pal (2012) research. In his paper (Mahendra pal’s), he attempts to trace the relationship between financial deepening and growth for the period of 10 year (i.e. 2001-2010). He takes Data source from Bank of Zambia and World Bank. The paper analyses the trends of GDP growth rate and financial deepening in Zambia during the reform period. The paper finds that Zambian economy has not been able to improve the level of financial deepening. However, Zambian record of economic performance during the recent past remains very impressive. He concludes that the financial system has not been able to increase an effective financial intermediation, which is reflected in terms of rising M2/GDP ratio.{end-tooltip} |
Kaushal Kishor Patel |
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{tooltip}Non Performing Assets (NPAs): A Comparative Analysis of SBI and ICICI Bank{end-texte}Abstract – Banking sector plays an important role in the development of an economy. This Role of Bank determines the pace of development of the economy. Hence the stability of banking sector is pivotal for the development of an economy. The Main function of any bank is to lend funds as loans to various sectors such as agriculture, industry, personal and housing and other to meet the productive use of these funds. In recent times the banks have become very cautious in extending advances, the reason is increasing non-performing assets. With the introduction of international norms for income recognition, asset classification and provisioning in the banking sector, managing NPAs has emerged as one of the major challenges facing Indian banks. Non Performing Asset means an asset on which the interest or principal have not been paid by the borrower for the specified period in accordance with the directions issued by RBI. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the trend of Total advances, Net profit, Gross NPA, Net NPA of SBI and ICICI Bank. During last three years total advances and net profit has shown growing trend in both the banks but compare to SBI, NPA in ICICI bank has shown downward trend because of effective NPA management. It also highlights the relationship between Net Profit and Net NPA, while SBI has shown positive relationship between Net Profit and Net NPA, negative relationship has been found in ICICI between Net Profit and Net NPA. {end-tooltip} |
Rajeshwari Parmar |
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{tooltip}Catastrophic Health Expenditures: Why Leave Out the Non Users?{end-texte}Abstract – Illness represents a loss of well-being and medical care, does not come free of cost. Healthcare may be financed through coverage of insurance schemes or by the public sector or otherwise, by paying for it directly. The latter, called out-of–pocket (OOP) payments for healthcare may have catastrophic consequences for a household, especially if current consumption has to be sacrificed to finance them. The methodology for calculating incidence of catastrophic health expenditures involves the setting of a critical threshold, a proportion of the household’s income or capacity to pay beyond which if the healthcare expenditures exceed, they are referred to as catastrophic. The present paper questions this methodology as it underestimates the extent of the problem by not including households who sacrifice healthcare in order to maintain their current levels of consumption, given that they ate two sides of the same coin.{end-tooltip} |
Aditi Aeron Bansal |
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{tooltip}Indian Economy – Waiting for the Sustainable Solutions{end-texte}Abstract – This paper provides a comprehensive review of almost all-important aspects of the Indian economy. It also conveys much of the flavour of the current debate on economic issues in India, with its usual diversity of views. In this paper I propose to examine what this review adds up to in terms of the present state and future prospects of the Indian economy and the evolution of economic policies in India.{end-tooltip} |
Himani Dahiya et al. |