March 04, 2025
  • Submit Your Paper
  • Submission Last Date: 20 (Every Month)
  • Publication Date : 30 (Every Month)

Compulsory Review Process

1. Each manuscript will be primarily examined by the editor, and then forwarded to two referees for double blind review. The research paper shall be published subject to recommendation of referees. The review process may take up minimum 3 days. (Maximum one & half week in extra ordinary circumstances).

2. The author’s shall be informed about the selection/rejection of the article/paper by e-mail only. However, the Journal shall publish the article/papers of the authors completing the formalities in due time mentioned as per our norms. The rejected papers shall not be returned.

3. In case of acceptance of the article and completion of publication formalities by the author, Journal reserves the right of making amendments in the final draft of the research paper to suit the journal’s requirement.

4. The Editor –in –Chief is the final authority for publish the paper in any Journal under the head of RAIJMR.

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We suggest you to check your article Plagiarism on below website.

You could also have to download Plagiarism Report from this website.

You have to upload your article along with Plagiarism Report.

Click here to Submit
Paper/Manuscript & Plagiarism Report.

After reviewed your article by our Editorial board and it proves Reliability, Best Quality and Originality we will accept it for publishing in our Journal.

Congratulations !!

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