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{tooltip}Exploring the Role of Revenue officials in Eighteenth Century Eastern Rajasthan{end-texte}Abstract – The eighteenth century was a period marked by an intense interplay of vigorous forces of change and realignment. In the wake of declining imperial authority, the political situation became extremely volatile and released a whole series of forces, which invariably transformed the entire socio-economic fabric of the society in the post-Mughal period. In such a state of affairs the groups of revenue officials like the Patels and patwaris perpetuated their roots deep in the society in a manner, which enabled them emerge as more stable patterns of local power and thereby acted as a viable social group in the changing socio-economic scenario.{end-tooltip} |
Prerna Gautam |
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{tooltip}Effects of Multipollutants on the Biochemical Constituents of Muscles in Fishes, Labeo rohita & Catla catla of River Ganga near Patna{end-texte}Abstract – Now a days it has been proved that pollutants exert remarkable impact on the different metabolic activities of animals. Huge increase in the use of pesticides and other pollutants, which are, released intentionally or unintentionally in the gangatic basin, have disturbed the ecology of the Ganga water ecosystem. Among the aquatic faunas besides others, fishes are most sensitive to the pollutants causing serious concern as they change the systematic biochemical status in the tissues of the fishes. As a result it has deviating consequences on the metabolic pathway in the fishes in different tissues. In this investigation we concentrate at the alterations in concentrations of the biochemical constituent units found in the muscles of the fishes under reference due to multipollutant effects. In the present experimental work we found decrease in the glycogen level by 28.5% in the protein level by 25% and in SDH activity level by 3.8%. Contrary to these results we found increased level of ascorbic acid and lactic acid by 28.3% and 56.5% respectively. The level of GOT, GPT & LDH was also found increased by 3.6%, 4.2% and 4.5% respectively. The level of lipid fractions, total lipids and cholesterol was also estimated which was found decrease in their respective levels. The level of phospholipids decreased by 2.6%, glycerophospholipids & sphingosine decreased by 2.1%, triglycerides & sterols decreased by 2.8%. Similarly the level of total lipids decreased by 2.5% and the level of cholesterol decreased by 2.4% in the experimental fishes in comparison to standard fishes. The standardization in the present work was done by the allowing the collected fish for acclimatization conductive to fishes for two months in the lab.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Sananda Sinha |
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{tooltip}Use of the Internet as an Information Source by Ph. D. Pursuing Faculty Members of Degree Engineering Colleges of Saurashtra Region{end-texte}Abstract – The research paper is aimed at analyzing the internet use of Ph. D. pursuing faculty members of Degree Engineering Colleges of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat. To examine the use of internet, method of locating information and search techniques used in retrieving the information. Internet is time saving, more informative and less expensive.{end-tooltip} |
Alka V. Gohel et al. |
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{tooltip}Academic Librarianship in 2nd Decade of 21st Century{end-texte}Abstract – The paper reveals the duties of academic librarian in modern trends such as Emergence of Online Information E-Resources, Ownership vs Holding, Open Content, Emerging in usage of E-books, Resource Sharing through Consortia & Network Connectivity, Virtual Reference, New Form of Scholarly Corroboration, Growing importance of Mobile Technology. It also describes the features of modern 21st century academic libraries like Library automation software, Retrospective Conversion, Electronic Resources, User Oriented Organizational Pattern, Transforming Traditional Libraries into the 21st Century ones etc.{end-tooltip} |
Mehulkumar S. Patel |
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{tooltip}Nature of the Lease Market and its Impact on the Institution of Tenancy{end-texte}Abstract – This article has examined the nature of the lease market and its resultant impact on the institution of tenancy. It has been observed that till the present day, the lease market is dominated by marginal and small farms both as lessors and lessees. The concentration of tenancy in favor of relatively better-off tenants which was observed during 1991-92 is reversed in favor of marginal and small farmers during 2002-03. It has also been seen that the phenomenon of ‘reverse tenancy’ which was predominant in Haryana and Punjab during 1991-92 has completely disappeared during 2002-03. Moreover, the concentrations in the ownership and operational holdings which were observed during 1991-92 have come down considerably during 2002-03 and the distribution of land has moved in favor of marginal and small farms.{end-tooltip} |
Kamalika Majumder |
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{tooltip}Study of Relationship between Creativity and Teachers Taught{end-texte}Abstract – The quality of education depends, more than anyone single factor, upon the quality of a teacher. Teacher having favorable attitude toward their profession are generally successful, properly adjusted and well satisfied with their job (Chaudhari, 2012).The role of teacher will influence the behavior and learning achievement of the students. A study aimed at locating distinguishing characteristics of effective and ineffective teacher is thus, greatly needed. Relationship between creativity and teacher taught could be devised. It will be a valuable contribution to the process of education. The present study was an attempt in this direction.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Jatin G. Panchal |
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{tooltip}Impact of learning tasks on Achievement of Philosophical and Sociological Contents{end-texte}Abstract – The teacher education program should be designed to develope creativity, critical thinking and thinking skills among trainees. There are several learning theories, instruction design and material developed on basis of such theories. Present study was carried out to synthesis such learning theories in context of teaching of philosophy and sociology of education at B.Ed level. In present study the researcher has developed Learning Centered Activity Package (LACP) for teaching of Philosophy and Sociology of Education. The major aim of the study was to standardize the procedure to establish this kind of package and suggest its guideline. The researcher has developed a package which covered 11 topics in the subject. These topics were presented through 95 activities. In present paper researcher has tried to describe the impact of the package on achievement in relation to certain variables.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nileshkumar S. Pandya |
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{tooltip}Economic Research in Public Health: The Two-Way Relationship between Economics and Health{end-texte}Abstract – The relationship between health and economics is deep rooted and multidimensional. According the capabilities approach, health is not only a means to achieve the goal of development, but is in fact an end in itself. This realization, fairly recent in the development of the discipline of economics, has pushed many countries to include concerns relating to health as part of their economic policies. The Millennium Development Goals stem from the same idea. The economics of health not only includes availability of health services, cost of provision, user fee or insurance, but also people’s knowledge, attitudes, practices, behaviours and perspectives towards healthcare. The current paper brings out how health paves the way and opens up diverse opportunities for research in economics.{end-tooltip} |
Aditi Aeron Bansal |
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{tooltip}Market orientations-Evolution and Application{end-texte}Abstract – This research paper deals with various marketing orientations which dominated business world in one era and other. It aims to provide the reader with basic understanding about history and evolution of marketing as a concept. It is a conceptual paper which summarizes various researches in the area that how a firm applies marketing concept and what are the important components of marketing concept. It also deals with the angle that application of marketing concept doesn’t mean refutation of all other earlier philosophies rather it concludes with how one philosophy becomes dominant in one industry as per situational and environmental factors.{end-tooltip} |
Vandana Munjal et al. |
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{tooltip}Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s Heat and Dust: A Critical Study{end-texte}Abstract – Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s Heat and Dust –a Critical study is an article which includes a critical study of a powerful and beautifully written novel Heat and Dust. The study explores Anglo Indian relations through the power of romance set in two distinct eras, colonial India of the nineteen twenties, during the time of Raj and the independent, freewheeling India of the seventies. Both the central figures Olivia and Anne, the narrator lead the same life. Heat and Dust offers a double vision in terms of the image of the country that it portrays. While one half of the novel (Olivia’s story) is located in the days of the Britsh Raj , the other half is based on the peregrinations and experiences of Olivia junior in post-independence India. Heat and Dust is a very engaging story with enough romance, political intrigue, history drama, scandal etc to satisfy most readers.{end-tooltip} |
Nareshkumar J. Parmar |