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{tooltip}Simple Ways to Save Environment{end-texte}Abstract – Within the overall biosphere, or ecosystem, there are smaller ecosystems like the rainforests, marine ecosystems, the desert and the tundra. When any of these systems are off kilter, it impacts the entire planet. All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications for the health of our planet and its inhabitants. For example, global warming causes a rise in sea levels which effects marine life. The rising sea levels also cause land erosion which harms the habitats of animals living by the coast. Global warming also melts polar caps and leads to arctic shrinking. This endangers the polar bears and other arctic wildlife. Since the icecaps are made of fresh water, they will throw off the saline levels in the ocean which will affect ocean currents. Furthermore, the ice caps reflect light. As they disappear the Earth will get darker and absorb more heat increasing the Earth’s temperature.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Ashokkumar L. Patel |
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{tooltip}Role of Travel and Tourism in India in the Context of the Period of 2000-2012{end-texte}Abstract – Tourism is emerging industry in India and at a globe. So, this research paper focuses on number of tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings during specific period of 2000-2012 which helps to understand framing and implementation of effective tourism policy.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Hiren Raval |
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{tooltip}A Study on the Effectiveness of Group Activity and Group Discussion Method in English{end-texte}Abstract – It is very essential for a language teacher to teach the lesson of English language very effectively and higher quality in today’s classroom. Now a day there is assorted teaching methods and techniques to be introduced by language teacher for language lesson teaching in the classroom. According to me there is a advanced way for English language teacher is that, the teacher must teaches their lesson through the multiple and reciprocal use of the teaching methods as well as its techniques in current classroom dealings and for learning through students centered methods. In this article I want to express the qualitative approaches for English language teaching as well as for English method teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Hetal T. Patel |
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{tooltip}Comparative Analysis of the Idea of India and India: From Midnight to the Millennium and Beyond{end-texte}Abstract – Every country, from time to time, needs to reassess its past, take stock of its moral, political, social, economic and other resources, analyze its changing circumstances, and form a view of it. The people of India are now at such a stage their history. During the first fifty-odd years of independence, Indians have had two competing visions of India, the civic and the ethno-cultural. Both were born during the colonial era, the first being dominant during the early decades of independence and the second gaining ascendancy since 1980s. The idea of India, variously called Jambudvipa, Aryavarta and more frequently Bharat, has exercised the Indian imagination for several millennia. Different writers asked what defined and distinguished their land and its people and what their central civilization values were. The context of the debate began to change in the second half of the 19th century when India, as a clearly demarcated territorial unit subject to a single jurisdiction and entertaining the prospect of governing its own affairs, became a political reality for more or less the first time in history.{end-tooltip} |
Naileshkumar R. Patel et al. |
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{tooltip}Emerging Sports Law in India{end-texte}Abstract – In India Sports and Games is an extremely vast area and entail lots of legal issues. The need of hour is to set strong and lucid policies to combat all legal issues related to sports. The world of Sports has been continuously struck by scandals and controversies in the past few years. To concur this type of issue India need a strong Law to protect Sports and Players.{end-tooltip} |
Lakshmanbhai V. Gol et al. |
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{tooltip}Challenges for Academic Library in the 21st Century{end-texte}Abstract – Present article focuses on new paradigms and strategies that should to be considered from the perspectives of I.T. and the critical information needs of academic library users, amidst the stress of reduced budgets and decreased buying power. The paper also discusses the effective solutions to meet the evolving information needs of the campus and the larger academic community.{end-tooltip} |
Mahesh R. Solanki |
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{tooltip}The Concept of Bhakti-Yoga{end-texte}Abstract – Bhakti-Yoga is a real, genuine search after the lord, a search beginning, continuing, and ending in love. One single moment of the madness of extreme love to God brings us eternal freedom. About Bhakti-Yoga Narada says in his explanation of the Bhakti-arisms is inense e d Wen a man es i e es a aes nne; he becomes satisfied forever. This love cannot be reduced to any earthly benefit, because so long as worldly desires last, that kind of love does not come. Bhakti is greater than Karma, because these are intended for an object in view, while Bhakti is its own fruition, its own means, and its own end.{end-tooltip} |
Nayankumar J. Baatt |
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{tooltip}Industrial Labour Laws with Reference to Directive Principles of State Policy{end-texte}Abstract – The Constitution of India has conferred innumerable rights on the protection of labour. In this chapter let’s see in brief what are all the rights conferred and what are the mechanism used, with the support of case laws. An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be “fundamental in the governance of the country,” they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enunciated in the constitution’s preamble.
Part IV of the Indian constitution outlines the directive principles that a state should remember while framing laws for the society. Directive principles call for the provision of social justice and economic welfare and ensure peace and harmony by trying to remove the prevalent social evils. These principles act as a check on the government and as a yardstick to measure government performance. However, these provisions are not enforceable in any court of law; a fact that makes us questions the relevance of directive principles.
The role of the state in providing employment, social services, education and environmental protection cannot be denied. For instance, in developing countries like India, the state is seen as an important source of employment and provider of welfare. The state has the obligation to devise policies that improve the standards of living of all, which can be done in coordination with NGOs and the private sector.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Minal H. Upadhyay |
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{tooltip}Brics Countries and Role of India{end-texte}Abstract – BRICS countries are on the driving seat of the future of the global economy. This research article goes through the basic goals of BRICS countries and India’s leading partnership in it.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Sunita L. Thakkar |
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{tooltip}A Study on the Farm Production and Changes in the Migration of Dang District{end-texte}Abstract – The aim behind studying the subject is to see the changes and effects of land, farm production and migration due to the irrigation in the selected families. The researcher randomly selected 9 villages and covers 65 families. Keeping an aim of the study, a questioner is prepared and on the basis of primary information, the information is collected. After thoroughly study the subject, it is strongly said that if the government and an institute like Agakhan encourage them, then the financial and social situation of the farmers must be changed. And with this the problem of civilization and migration, arose in the country will also be solved.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Naresh C. Patel |
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{tooltip}Attitude of Students of Secondary and Higher Secondary Classes towards Co-curricular Activities{end-texte}Abstract – For any research, in the base of research, the objectives of research, collection of data, interpretation and summary are included. The research done in the fields of education always contribute in positive sense of the education. So research, in some or other way it becomes helpful to all the people who are associated with education.
In present study the essence of research, the summary of the research instructions and the directions of future researches are included.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Sejal Trivedi |