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{tooltip}Non Life Insurance in India: An Empirical Analysis{end-texte}Abstract – The IRDA report said the growth in non-life insurance industry premium is expected to outpace the growth of life insurance industry primarily due to huge under-penetration. Increasing catastrophe, manmade disasters also incline to cause more demand for non life insurance. Growing demand for motor insurance products due to expected rise in per capita, disposable income levels will also lead to faster growth in non-life industry premium. The report suggested that industry players have to put spotlight on raising the productivity of costs incurred towards employee training and development. Insurance companies will have to establish effective distribution channels and undertake marketing activities to improve awareness and education level, the report said (Economic Times ) In this paper we are regressing Non life insurance indicators on various macroeconomic variables as such as inflation, M3/GDP, POPULATION and GDP. Insurance penetration, density, absolute amount of premium is used as insurance indicators. Insurance penetration is calculated as the ratio/the percentage of total insurance premiums (in US dollars) to gross domestic product. Insurance density is per capita insurance. Inflation, M3/GDP, POPULATION and GDP are explanatory variables.{end-tooltip} |
Bunny Singh Bhatia & Brijesh Yadav |
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{tooltip}Critical Analysis of English (Second Language) Textbook of Standard VII{end-texte}Abstract – English is the language of the global village on this planet of the globe. The school and colleges teach English as one of the subjects. In some of the state, teaching of English is introduced from fifth and in some eighth. For most of us English is second language but there are some problems in teaching and learning this language in India. The main concern of researcher in this area has been to find out the merits and demerits and then to criticize the textbook of English of standard VII published by Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks. For that investigator selected 75 teachers teaching English subject in Primary schools of Sabarkantha district using stratified random sample as sample for the present study. For data collection Content Analysis Instrument, Opinionnaire and Interview techniques were used. Findings about the content of the textbook, evaluation of the textbook and teachers’ and students’ opinions concluded that all the lessons should be interesting enough to capture the student’s attention. The teacher should discuss the importance of given values using the illustration from real life. At least one lesson should be added containing the knowledge about new technologies and computer. The teacher should explain forms of different new grammar structure and provide more illustrations The new vocabulary items should be repeated to consolidate the use of the new words. Textbook writers should prepare the lesson of the textbook in such a way that the new grammar structures and new vocabulary items happen to be repeated for practice to students. More emphasis should be given on the language aspect than to subject matter while preparing the textbook.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Girishkumar P. Raval |
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{tooltip}The Speed Comparison Between the Left & Right Side Step With Selected Anthropometric Measurements to total Movement time in Running to the Side for Use by Volleyball Female National Players of Rajasthan{end-texte}Abstract – A study has been conducted on selected Anthropometric variables of National female Volleyball Players of Senior Secondary School Level. The purpose of the study was the comparison between the left and right step with selected anthropometric measurements to total movement time in running to the side for use by the volleyball players. Sample consisted of selected 24 national female senior secondary school level volleyball players. Selected anthropometric variables were used to secure the responses.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Hitesh Chandra Rawal |
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{tooltip}The Concept of Supreme Sense in Upanishads{end-texte}Abstract – Continually, in studying the Upanishads, we have to divest ourselves of modern notions and to realize as closely as possible the associations that lay behind the early Vedantic use of words. We must recollect that in the Vedic system the word was the creator; by the word Brahma creates the forms of the universe moreover, human speech at its highest merely attempts to recover by revelation and inspiration an absolute expression of truth which already exists in the infinite above our mental comprehension. Equally, then, must that word be above our power of mental construction.{end-tooltip} |
Nayankumar J. Bhatt |
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{tooltip}Moral Corruption in Salome, Lady Windermere’s Fan and a Woman of No Importance{end-texte}Abstract – Oscar Wilde (1854 to 1900) was the shining star of the English literary field in the nineteenth century. He made prolific contribution to the English literature. His fame as a dramatist began with the production of Lady Windermere’s Fan in (1892).Wilde depicted here the atmosphere of one of those modern drawing rooms with pink lampshade. As an outstanding play writer, his reputation chiefly relies on his major comedies, Salome (1891), Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892), A Woman of no Importance (1893), The Importance of Being Earnest (Performed 1895, Published 1898). Here, research title: realistic picture of upper class in Oscar Wilde’s plays: A critical study, covered his plays are as Salome (1891), Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892) and A Woman of No Importance (1893).{end-tooltip} |
Devasi M. Chandravadiya |
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{tooltip}Investigation of the English Language Proficiency of Higher Secondary Students{end-texte}Abstract – Now a day, it is essential having a good command over English language and its proficiency. If we look over the students of higher secondary class regarding the said skill; then we find many questions and problems about the efficiency & proficiency of English language and the basic skills of this language. According to my point of view the major problem of the said students is that, English language is only a school subject language and not their mother language or routine language and also not an operational too. Here, the investigator tries to find out the other ways of this problem via this study.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Ashok S. Thakkar |
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{tooltip}My Library in 2020{end-texte}Abstract – Through this article, I would like to share my thoughts on how I will develop my library functions, collections and services according to new developing environment. The global information revolution of the 20th century made manual systems of delivering information services in the libraries especially academic and research libraries mundane, clumsy and inefficient, though the era of total electronic or paperless libraries is yet a mirage (Aguolu and Aguolu, 2002). My library in 2020 will not be entirely digitalized. It will be a hybrid of traditional services and print collections with online web-based services and electronic collections. It will not continue to play its traditional role by providing printed learning materials to those who cannot afford electronic materials, nor have tools to access online information’s.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Chetna Shah |
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{tooltip}Stress Management{end-texte}Abstract – In coming year and also present time men’s are being death that is main reason is stress. Today stress has been made world spread diseases. Today 60% to 90% persons are seeking and its main reason stress. Every man’s have to experience of many types of stress in their life and they also attack to stressful situation but in same situation there is no same nature & reaction to all man’s but they are personally different. There is no same reaction to all problems for all people. When problem increases, at that time person has been feared like that to worry, to feel alone, to energy less. Via this article, the author wants to convey the relaxation techniques of stress and its management in routine life.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Ashokkumar L. Patel |
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{tooltip}Moral Values of Government and Non Granted Primary School’s Students in Relation to Particular Variables{end-texte}Abstract – Most philosophers since Plato have’ held that the highest ethical good is the same for’ everyone; insofar as one approaches moral perfection, one resembles other morally perfect individuals. The 19th-centurry Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, who was the first writer to call himself existential, reacted against this tradition by insisting that the highest good for the individual is to find his or her own unique vocation. As he wrote in his journal, “1 must find a truth that is true for me… the idea for which I can live or die.” Other existentialist writers have echoed Kierkegaard’s belief that one must choose one’s own way without the aid of universal, objective standards. Against the traditional view that moral choice involves an objective judgment of right and wrong, existentialists have argued that no objective, rational basis can be found for moral decisions. The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche further contended that the individual must decide which situations are to count as moral situations!
In the 20th century the novels of the Austrian Jewish writer Franz Kafka, such as The Trial (1925; trans. 1937) and The Castle (1926; trans. 1930), present isolated men confronting vast, elusive, menacing bureaucracies; Kafka’s themes of anxiety, guilt, and solitude reflect the influence of Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, and Nietzsche. The influence of Nietzsche is also discernible in the novels of the French writers Andre Malraux and in the plays of Sartre. The work of the French writer Albert Camus is usually associated with existentialism because of the prominence in it of such themes as the apparent absurdity and futility of life the indifference of the universe, and the necessity of engagement in a just cause. Existentialist themes are also reflected in the theater of the absurd, notably in the plays of Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco. In the United States, the influence of existentialism on literature has been more indirect and diffuse, but traces of Kierkegaard’s thought can be found in the novels of Walker Percy and John Updike, and various existentialist themes are apparent in the work of such diverse writers as Norman Mailer, John Barth, and Arthur Miller.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Vitthalbhai V. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}A Study of Scientific Attitude among School Students{end-texte}Abstract – Science educatiors have recognized the scientific attitudes are the most important outcomes which should result from science teaching. Much experimentation has been carried on the field of measuring attitudes and opinions, and most of them have come from the sociologists and the psychologists, science teachers and educators are not, however, unaware of the need of some valid and realible research on the mesurments of scientific attitude, its influence on certain school achievements and its development. Here, the author studied about the scientific attitude elements and its significance amond the school students of selected city.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Tejal J. Sheth |
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{tooltip}Management Information System in Commerce{end-texte}Abstract – Management Information System (MIS) should be designed viewing the organization as discussed earlier. MIS plays a very important role in creating organization behavior which in turn sets the goals for achievement. Technology & people decide the organization structure and style of the management. The role of MIS is an organization that can be compared to the role of heart in the body. In this article, the role of MIS and management has been defined.{end-tooltip} |
Darshna R. Prajapati |
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{tooltip}Consumer Buying Behaviour its Process of Buying{end-texte}Abstract – Buyer decision processes are the decision making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service. More generally, decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. Common examples include shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision making is said to be a psychological construct. This means that although we can never “see” a decision, we can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore we conclude that a psychological event that we call “decision making” has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect the action.{end-tooltip} |
Jayeshkumar A. Sathavara |
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Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy of Nationalism and Internationalism |
Richa Tiwari |