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Title of Research Paper/Article |
Author |
e-Certificate |
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1 |
India’s Progress towards Achieving the MDG’s in Women’s Empowerment and Inclusion |
Kaushal Kishor Patel |
2 |
Insider Trading Regulations: A Small Debate |
Shasta Gupta |
3 |
Crossing Borders with Folklore and Soul Songs: A Stimulating Facet for Identity of Afro-American Slaves |
Ms. Poonam Punia |
4 |
Dreams and Reality: Jungian perspective of Compensatory and Non Compensatory Functions of Dreams |
Ravi Bhusan Prasad |
5 |
Sports Psychology |
Dr. Ramesh D. Chaudhary |
6 |
Innovation and Philosophy |
Nayankumar J. Bhatt |
7 |
Doctrine of Separation of Powers: Global and Indian Perspective |
Priyanka Goel |
8 |
Influence of Media on Children of 21st Century |
Dr. Jaya Barevadia |
9 |
An Introduction to Direct & Indirect Speech |
Nareshkumar J. Parmar |
10 |
Need to Reproach the Standard of Jurisdictional with respect to Socio-Economic Rights in India |
Bharatbhai B. Rabari |
11 |
Civil Society in Transforming Conflicts and Building Peace: with Special Reference to Assam |
Baby Paul |
12 |
Khushwantnama -The Essence of Life Well- Lived |
Dr. Sunita B. Nimavat |
13 |
A Study on the Contribution of the Nursery and Forest Secondary Production in the Financial Earning of Dang District |
Dr. Naresh C. Patel |
14 |
Perception of Stigma and Coping Resources in the Parents of Intellectually Challenged Children |
Neha Singh |
15 |
भारतीय वास्तुकला एवं चित्रकला का सांस्कृतिक वैभव |
डॉ. विनीता यादव |
16 |
Factors Responsible for Loss of Biodiversity |
Dr. Tirmal Singh |
17 |
Effect of CBCS and Semester System on Future Teachers |
Dr. Mehali R. Desai |