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{tooltip}Critically Analyze Dr. Faustus as a Renaissance Hero or Medieval Hero{end-texte}Abstract – Christopher Marlow’s Doctor Faustus was published in 1592. And appears to be an example of Renaissance tragedy. However many critics argue that Marlow’s Dr. Faustus owes a lot to the medieval dramatic tradition to be precise, to the morality play tradition. Describing different types of medieval plays. Philip Tilling claims that “The Morality Play as a kind of medieval religious play arouse alongside the mystery play and was to continue, in modifies form throughout the Elizabethan period, culminating in Marlowe’s Faustus so Tillip considers Dr. Faustus to be a morality play. In my paper i see Dr. Faustus as Medieval Hero or Renaissance Hero which was to certain degree influenced by the medieval dramatic tradition and had some characteristics features of the Renaissance period.{end-tooltip} |
Devilaben H. Rohit |
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{tooltip}A Preface to Accounting for Sales{end-texte}Abstract – A sale is a transfer of property for money or credit. In double-entry book keeping, a sale of merchandise is recorded in the general journal as a debit to cash or accounts receivable and a credit to the sales account. The amount recorded is the actual monetary value of the transaction, not the list price of the merchandise. A discount from list price might be noted if it applies to the sale.
Fees for services are recorded separately from sales of merchandise, but the bookkeeping transactions for recording “sales” of services are similar to those for recording sales of tangible goods.{end-tooltip} |
Vipul B. Patel |
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{tooltip}Opinions of Teacher Educators Regarding Practice Lessons of Student Teachers with Reference to Area{end-texte}Abstract – In 1948 after the independence of India the University Education Commission was set up under the presidency of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. Its report was submitted in 1949. That report focused on the real picture of teachers’ training at that time. The Commission noted that there was not much difference in the theoretical aspects of different universities but were clearly seen practical aspects. So the Commission recommended developing co ordination between theoretical aspects and practical aspects. So far as teacher education is concerned the commission gave more importance to the practical aspect.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jayantibhai B. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Basic Steps for Introducing ‘Marketing Research’{end-texte}Abstract – Research means detailed, systematic and comprehensive study of a problem. Here, the details of the marketing problems are collected and studied, conclusions are drawn and suggestions (recommendations) are made to solve the problems quickly, correctly and systematically. In marketing research, marketing problem is studied in depth and solutions are suggested to solve the problem relating to consumers, product, market competition, sales promotion and so on.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilesh B. Gajjar |
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{tooltip}Literature and Society{end-texte}Abstract – Literature can be very helpful to society provided it is studied, or applied in a positive manner, but it can be very detrimental to society if what is contained within it is used with malice. I will be focusing on how literature is helpful to society. Literature means something that is written for refreshing and inspiring the mind. Literature is important in our life, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. It is through reading such great literary and poetic works, that one understands life. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of life. In many ways, it can change one’s perspective towards life. Literature appeals to both the heart and soul of the people hence it can be a powerful tool for change. Karl Marx and Engels literature had great effect on many nations in the world while Marxism is an abused term today, yet we see that Karl Marx laid down the ideologies that were imperatives of a society which was moving from agriculture to industrialization.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jaysinh B. Zala |
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{tooltip}Impact of Self Esteem on Personality and Adjustment{end-texte}Abstract – Modernization can be achieved only by improving and extending education. Again education both, the formal and informal is a mean of communication…….. The transmissible of meaning………. Has important functions, such as socialization, surveillance, consensus building, raising expectations, focusing attention, broadening mental horizons, creating new attitudes, and values arousing interest in innovation, teaching skills, and encouraging experimentation. Each of these functions has relevance for programmes of modernization. Hence, the formal education if imaginatively and purposefully employed can be a powerful instrument of Modernization. The education today is linked with development. Education is the main agency for the development of attitudes, interests and values and the teacher is its main agent. The class consists of different types of students and they differ in their interest, IQ, attitude, achievement etc. Some students change with the changing time, some don’t. There are certain causes behind this kind of difference in attitude. The present study attempts to find out the causes which influence their attitude and creates obstacles in the process of modernizing. There are certain variables which affect their attitude towards modernization. Hence the present study investigates hew do the SES, academic achievement, area etc. affect the adolescents’ attitude towards modernization.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Hetal T. Patel |
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{tooltip}An Assessment of Learning Resources for Teaching of Computer Education in commerce{end-texte}Abstract – The goal of using such computer applications is to increase peer-to-peer interactions through digital means, in order to replicate real-life 21st century communication skills. One such technology that has gained significant recognition within K-12 education is the Weblog. Weblogs, or blogs, are frequently accessed on classroom computers due to their positive effects upon students. These online journals are primarily used to support communication in the form of presentation, and they provide a useful tool for class interaction.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Brijeshkumar D. Patel |
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{tooltip}Woman Empowerment and law{end-texte}Abstract – Each year on March 8, International Women’s Day is celebrated with much fanfare but no policy-maker seems to take into consideration the fact that the women face very unique problem and crimes committed against them cannot be proved under the existing provisions of the India Evidence Act. A majority of the most heinous crimes against women are committed by people who are respected members of society and can never be considered criminals.
One woman can change anything but many women can change everything. Women bear almost all responsibility for meeting basic needs of the family, yet are systematically denied the resources, information and freedom of action they need to fulfil this responsibility.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Pankaj K. Pandya |
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{tooltip}Does the Degree of Mother have Effect on the Areas of the Interest of Students?{end-texte}Abstract – The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between vocational interests and gender and educational and professional degree of mother. This information is potentially useful in the career counselling context.{end-tooltip} |
Pri. H. B. Patel |
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{tooltip}A Study of World Role and the World Bank’s Plan of Action in India{end-texte}Abstract – This study investigates The World Bank’s work plan in India is spelt out in its Country Strategy (CAS). The Country Strategy for India is closely aligned with India’s own development priorities and describes what kind of support and how much can be provided to the country over a period of around four years.
The Country Strategy for India for 2009-2012 is aligned with the government’s Eleventh Five Year Plan. It focuses on helping the country to fast-track the development of much-needed infrastructure, support the seven poorest states, and respond to the financial crisis. The strategy was arrived at after a series of consultations with a broad range of stakeholders, including members of the government and civil society.{end-tooltip} |
Rajiv G. Patel |
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{tooltip}Warming up and the Effect of Exercise on the Muscular System{end-texte}Abstract – Exercise will make the muscle more effective and more efficient. However different types of exercise will have different effects upon the muscles exercised. The effects likely to be encountered when exercising on the muscular system are increased strength and the reduced likelihood of getting an injury. It can also make one have a more flexible back, stronger heart muscle and to improve muscles control.{end-tooltip} |
Amit P. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}Role of Class Libraries in Primary Classes{end-texte}Abstract – The paper deals with the role of classroom libraries in promoting reading habits in primary classes .It spells out the current state of libraries and the problems associated with them. It draws from emergent literacy approach and highlights the merits of class libraries that can be instrumental in developing reading behaviors, strategies, concepts of print etc. in early readers. It suggests some practical ideas that educators can implement with ease to support the concept in school systems. National Curriculum Framework 2005 highlights the importance of libraries that should serve as a place for holding discussions, storytelling and should have a child friendly ambience with a positive ethos, good lighting and seating arrangement. However what is visible in most schools is the apathy towards developing libraries. In most cases libraries serve as storehouse of books stacked in tall, dusty racks and the poor infrastructure makes this place not so user-friendly. Further, in some schools primary children have zero access to library books as they are not allowed to enter main library and in some cases we shall find no allocation of library period in the timetable. Libraries are either used by teachers or students of senior classes for reference work. It rarely becomes a place that is accessible to children and can be used for reading for pleasure. Thus developing reading habit as a goal of library remains unaccomplished in most cases. This happens generally due to the centralized main library which do not provide a ready access to the learners.
NCF’2005 guidelines suggest us that the use of library to one period a week seldom allows children to cultivate a taste for reading. Such a limited exposure takes away from children opportunities to handle books and talk about them. Silence is usually observed in main library that is quite contrary to the active nature of the child. Children converse with pictures and text in the books and engage in book talks with peers. This is the whole idea behind class libraries for young children that can also function as activity centers for them. Thus it is worthwhile to allocate space within the classroom where a reading corner or a class library can be started. Such a reading space solves the problem of access and availability of books to children. Further, it also acts as an energizer activity corner where children can be at leisure and read for pleasure. Such a ready access to books within classroom offers engagement to learners and boosts their literacy levels as class libraries then becomes a significant part of class routines. Research reveals that students are likely to spend more time reading when they are in classrooms with adequate classroom libraries (Allington & Cunningham, 1996; Krashen, 1998; Routman, 2003). For example: Morrow (2003) and Neuman (1999) note that students read 50-60 percent more in classrooms with libraries than in classrooms without them. Let’s examine some facets of class libraries.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dipti N. Soni |