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{tooltip}Online Services Rendered by Libraries{end-texte}Abstract – Due to automation and networking, online services are easily available in libraries. Here, an attempt is made to discuss library automation, with its definition, needs its objectives, importance, advantages, internet, available online library services and its effects.{end-tooltip} |
Sunitaben J. Chauhan |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Mental Health and Job Satisfaction of Working Women Teacher of Private and State Secondary School{end-texte}Abstract – Reaction to any condign is the last stage of any educational and psychological process. Overall all the research related to conditioning reaction are presented in such a manner so that evaluator can be easily evaluate the integration, system and research fin findings to the process of conditioning behavior. The present research was Descriptive Survey by its nature. The population of the study was the teachers of Jodhpur City of Rajasthan States. The sample for the study was selected by using random sampling method. Five school of private secondary school and five schools of state secondary school teachers were selected randomly. Schools were selected random technique sampling by lottery system. Total 200 teachers were selected, among them 100 teachers from private school and 100 teachers from state school were selected randomly. To collect the data for the present investigation the investigator had used prepared Mental Health Inventory and Job satisfaction Scale. Split Half Reliability was found 0.87 and Test-Retest Reliability was 0.84 of Mental Health Inventory and Split Half Reliability was found 0.87 and Test-Retest Reliability was 0.84 of Job satisfaction scale. Each tool has to rating 40 items been selected. {end-tooltip} |
Dr. Shilpa K. Patel |
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{tooltip}A Competitive Study of Retail Banking Strategies for the Future in Global Market in India{end-texte}Abstract – Retail banking in India has fast emerged as one of the major drivers of the overall banking industry and has witnessed enormous growth in the recent past. The Retail Banking Report encompasses extensive study & analysis of this rapidly growing sector. It primarily covers analysis of the present status, current trends, major issues & challenges in the growth of the retail banking sector. This report helps in Banks, financial institutions, MNC Banks, academicians, consultants and researchers to have a better understanding of the booming opportunities in retail banking in India. However, through the power of today do advanced text analytics solutions, retail banking leaders can now conduct deep analytics and use those insights to drive key business decisions, deliver proactive service, and formulate competitive business strategies. Using customer analytics to drive proactive response is a key capability retail banks need to turn insight into action. Today’s advanced customer analytics and engagement platforms allow providers to transform customer conversations into action.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Rajiv G. Sharma |
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{tooltip}A Study of the Attitude of Simplicity in the Students of Uttar Buniyadi and Common Schools{end-texte}Abstract – The simplicity of character is affectivity displayed in individuals and society alike. It is also an expression of thoughts, feelings and showering of abundant love towards human simplicity derives its strength. Form conscious understanding of human values and executing it earnestly the growth of character is an important factor which revolves around within the self. It gets its Nourishment from the dearest person named, “mother” she plays an important role in shaping it perfectly well so that her children become perfect human beings they are guided and governed by the consciousness of understanding human values. Simplicity of living is, as we have been one of the conditions of reaching and maintaining these right relationships therefore simplicity is an important condition for permanent satisfaction with life. Simplicity is clearly a sign of pure heart i.e. a single purpose. Also because environment has an undeniable influence on character, simplicity of living would help to stimulate and maintain such singleness of purpose. For these purpose same internal and external values are required. In the present paper, the researcher wants to know what the students of Uttar Buniyadi schools believed about Simplicity.{end-tooltip} |
Prin. Chhaya Damor |
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{tooltip}Accounting for Sales Revenue and Sales Return{end-texte}Abstract – In book-keeping, accounting, and finance, Net sales are operating revenues earned by a company for selling its products or rendering its services. Also referred to as revenue, they are reported directly on the income statement as Sales or Net sales.
In financial ratios that use income statement sales values, “sales” refers to net sales, not gross sales. Sales are the unique transactions that occur in professional selling or during marketing initiatives.
Revenue is earned when goods are delivered or services are rendered. The term sales in a marketing, advertising or a general business context often refers to a contract in which a buyer has agreed to purchase some products at a set time in the future. From an accounting standpoint, sales do not occur until the product is delivered. “Outstanding orders” refers to sales orders that have not been filled. Here I want to introduce the accounting for sales.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Naliniben J. Chauhan |
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{tooltip}Data of Kunabi Gurjars of Gujarat State as a Main worker and Sub Category{end-texte}Abstract – In India the Census started defining ‘Worker’ as early as 1872. Over time the term ‘work’ and ‘worker’ as defined by Census of India have undergone several amendments to suit the changing dimensions of work. Work is defined as participation in any economically productive activity with or without compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may be physical and/or mental in nature. The Census classifies Workers into two groups namely, Main workers and Marginal workers. Main Workers are those workers who had worked for the major part of the reference period. This paper focus on some demography of Kunabi Gurjars of Gujarat from data Sources of 2001 Census data.
This Paper covers of Main workers detail data of Kunabi Workers from 2001 census data. In this paper mention the classification of Kunabi Gurjars of Gujarat‘s of main worker and their Industrial category, age, Are and Sex on the basis 2001 census data. This Research paper was presented in Bharatiya Gurjar Parishad Organized 5th International Gurjar History Conference On March 30-31, 2012 at Mahesh Pragti Manndal Ram Narayan Lathi Hall, Near Bahina Garden, Ring Road, Jalgaon-425001(Maharashtra).
The terms Gujjar is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Gurjara’. Most of the scholars refer to the word’Gurjara’ primarily to the ‘Gurjaratra’ or Gujarat. The origin of Gujjars is debatable. Accroding to Cunningham Gurjars the Scythian tribe who conquered Kabul around 100 BC and came to India and settles in Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat and established the Gujjar or Gurjara of Indian origin. According to Cunningham the people of Rajputana, Malwa and modern Gujarat, the whole region called Gurjara desa.
Demography, the Science of population, is defined as the scientific study of human population or more specifically, the Study of the Size, geographic distribution, age-sex structure and socioeconomic composition of populations and the factor that affects changes in these dimensions, namely, fertility, mortality and migration. The Importance and application is demographic studies is ever growing. The ethnic diversity in India provides a unique opportunity to study demographic variation among the endogamous populations living in different geographical and ecological conditions. Therefore, in India demographical Studies have been conducted on Rural, Urbana’s well as tribal populations by various anthropologists to view different aspect of demography.
An Evaluation of Population composition is important aspect of demography. It helps to understand the basic structure, which is the outcome of various demographic processes and social factors. This covers basic personal, social and economic attributes of a population.{end-tooltip} |
Sunita M. Piyaja |
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{tooltip}The Effect of Gender and Marital Status of the Primary Teachers on their Readiness{end-texte}Abstract – A teacher’s readiness has more impact on student learning than any other factor under the control of school systems, including class size, school size, and the quality of after-school programs. In the summer of 2009, nine school districts and one coalition of Charter Management Organizations proposed strategies to improve the recruitment, placement, evaluation, retention, and support of highly effective teachers. At the conclusion of these cooperative planning processes, four areas were identified as key to future success: shared leadership, vision, and commitment to action; culture of data-driven decision making; stakeholder engagement; and policies that support, or at a minimum, do not restrict improvement efforts. This brief explains why districts and sites considering an effective teaching agenda should assess their strengths and weaknesses in those areas and provides considerations and rubrics for use in making such an assessment. Readiness helps the working teachers at the primary fields. At present, they engage to do many activities in fixed time therefore they can’t have proper time to check it and not able to solve it. Now a day readiness has played the vital role for the primary teachers. Hence the researcher has selected the problem as origin of a problem.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Jesal Patel |
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{tooltip}The Role of Rural Banks in the Development of rural Socio-economy{end-texte}Abstract – The important of the rural banking in the economic development of a country cannot be overlooked. As Gandhi said “real India lies in village” and village economy is the backbone of Indian economy. Without the development of the rural economy, the objective of economic planning cannot be achieved. Hens, banks and other financial institutions are considered to be a vital role for the development of the rural economy in India. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were established in October 2, 1975 and are playing a pivotal role in the economic development of the rural India. The main goal of establishing Regional Rural Banks in India is to provide credit to the rural people who are not economically strong enough, especially the small and marginal farmers, artisans, agricultural laborers and even small entrepreneurs. The present study is a modest attempt to make an appraisal of the rural credit structure and the role played by RRBs in the development of rural economy. The objective of this paper is to analyses the rural credit and the role played by the RRBs in the priority and non-priority sector landings.
The present research paper is exploratory in nature and makes use of secondary data. The relevant secondary data have been collected mainly through the data bases of reserve Bank of India (RBI), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). The journals like the banker and the Journal of Indian Institute of Bankers have also have been referred. An attempt is made there in this paper to examine the rural credit structure of the India and Gujarat state in the role played by the RRBs. The study is confined only to the specific area like loan and advance made by the RRBs especially priority and none-priority sectors for the six years period starting for 2002-2003 to the year 2008-2009. In order to analyze the data and draw conclusion in this study Mathematical tools like percentage and growth rate.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Bharat M. Kher |
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{tooltip}Attitudes of Tribal Students taking Higher Education{end-texte}Abstract – There are total 221 tribal groups in different states of India. After Africa, India is on the second place having the highest number of tribal people. Compared to the other states of India Gujarat is on the fifth number in the population of tribal people. Tribal people are seen in most of the districts of Gujarat. There are 29 different sub castes like Bheel, Chaudhari, Gamit, Rathava, Bhilala, Ghodiya, Bavachi, Barada, Gond, Kathadi, Nayaka, Paradhi, Kunabi, Kolee, Sidi, Doobala, Padhar, etc. in Gujarat.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Haresh B. Suthar |
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{tooltip}Economics: An Overview, Importance and Principles{end-texte}Abstract – The independence-era Indian economy (from 1947 to 1991) was based on a mixed economy combining features of capitalism and socialism, resulting in an inwardlooking, interventionist policies and import-substituting economy that failed to take advantage of the post-war expansion of trade. This model contributed to widespread inefficiencies and corruption, and the failings of this system were due largely to its poor implementation In 1991, India adopted liberal and free-market principles and liberalized its economy to international trade under the guidance of Manmohan Singh, finance minister from 1991 and 1996, and previously under the leadership of P.V. Narasimha Rao, prime minister from 1991 to 1996, who had eliminated License Raj, a pre- and post-British era mechanism of strict government controls on setting up new industry. Following these major economic reforms, and a strong focus on developing national infrastructure such as the Golden Quadrilateral project by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, prime minister, the country’s economic growth progressed at a rapid pace, with relatively large increases in per-capita incomes.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Dharti M. Jain |
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{tooltip}Comparative Study of Ratio Analysis of Selected Textile Companies of India{end-texte}Abstract – The Indian textile industry is one of the largest in the world with a massive raw material and textiles manufacturing base. Our economy is largely dependent on the textile manufacturing and trade in addition to other major industries. About 27% of the foreign exchange earnings are on account of export of textiles and clothing alone. The textiles and clothing sector contributes about 14% to the industrial production and 3% to the gross domestic product of the country. Around 8% of the total excise revenue collection is contributed by the textile industry. So much so, the textile industry accounts for as large as 21% of the total employment generated in the economy. Around 35 million people are directly employed in the textile manufacturing activities. Indirect employment including the manpower engaged in agricultural based raw-material production like cotton and related trade and handling could be stated to be around another 60 million.{end-tooltip} |
Hiralal R. Deshrani |
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{tooltip}Themes of Management Theory{end-texte}Abstract – Early management theory consisted of numerous attempts at getting to know these newcomers to industrial life at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century in Europe and United States. These include scientific management, Classical organization theory, Behavioural school and management science.{end-tooltip} |
Ketan Popat |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers and M.Ed. Trainees towards Open Book Test{end-texte}Abstract – The concept of open book test was immerged due to intention of Learning without Burden and reforms in evaluation and examination. The Govt. of Gujarat has accepted the concept of Open Book Test and it is yet to be implemented. This research had intended to study the attitudes of secondary school teachers and M.Ed. Trainees towards this concept of Open Book Test. The interpretation of analysis shows that secondary school teachers and M.Ed. trainees favour the open book test and the decision of Govt. of Gujarat. They have their support to this proposed decision related to Open Book Test.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilesh B. Gajjar |