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{tooltip}A Study of Job Satisfaction of Higher Secondary School Teachers of Kadi Taluka{end-texte}Abstract – Human life is full of with great secrets. The term Job Satisfaction has been in a variety of ways, most often job satisfaction and job attitude are interchangeably. Both are effective reactions of the incumbent towards the job work situation. They are engaged in at a given time. Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job experience. Job Satisfaction is related but distinguishable from morale and job involvement. Since a job is not entity or physical things, but a compiled of interrelationships of likes, roles responsibilities interaction, incentives and rewards , it has to be intimately related to all of them. In the Higher Secondary school first stage of the modelling life with the higher education of adults is began in the educational and social life. Moreover the children of this stage are imitative. Therefore it can be said that if powers lying among higher secondary school teachers must be prepare in a proper direction, the same may be helpful in development of personality of a person. So it is very necessary to study the personality traits and characteristics of the higher secondary school teachers in the various contexts with job satisfaction.{end-tooltip} |
Trupti Upadyay |
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{tooltip}A Study of teachers’ Accountability in Relation to teachers’ Professionalism of Primary Schools in Sabarkantha{end-texte}Abstract – Teachers are committed to providing quality programs and welcome accountability strategies that are effective, fairly implemented, and that achieve meaningful results. Teaching is a highly regulated profession. As well, teachers continually enhance their practice by:
- assessing their own learning needs and developing annual professional growth plans;
- participating in professional development activities at the school, school board, and provincial level;
- addressing critical issues, sharing ideas and working on grade activities in divisional meetings;
- attending curriculum meetings;
- presenting workshops;
- taking courses to enhance their learning;
- mentoring peers;
- Writing curriculum.
- This study indicates that what the teachers perform their accountability, responsibility and their commitment towards to duty.{end-tooltip}
Bhargav Thakkar |
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{tooltip}Effectiveness of Smart Class among Secondary School’s students of Ankur Vidyalay, Ahmedabad{end-texte}Abstract – Smart class system is making use of imagination of the student to make them understand the subject in all its pros and cons in such a way that it remains in their memory for long time to come. Student’s performance increased in related subject; Students enjoy learning; Students rate of absenteeism decreased; their memory, understanding and application skills’ increased. Their participation also increased. It makes Abstracts concepts concrete and difficult topic very easy to understand. By smart class method, students understand difficult topics in an interesting manner through audio-visual aids. These audio- visual aids/ images display the data and the mathematical relation of the topics for interpretation, especially of multi-dimensional cases. By these classes, Notes/Pages can automatically be saved and can be printed, emailed or even pasted into a website and It enables tutors to use multimedia resources and the internet with a whole class.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Aparna Pancholi |
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{tooltip}Role of Education in Creating Environmental Sustainability{end-texte}Abstract – In the 21st century, there is a need for increasing global awareness of the threat posed by human induced enhanced greenhouse effect, produced largely by forest cleaning and burning of fossil fuels. Education can make people realize that an important cause of human impact on Earth system is the destruction of biophysical resources. The system of education at secondary and higher levels needs to lay emphasis on “Green India Mission” in order to improve the existing quality of forest cover and ecosystem services. This may be brought about by a change in values, ethical considerations for a favourable consumption pattern of households as well as individuals. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an international synthesis by over 1000 of the world’s leading scientists have concluded that human activity is having a significant impact on the biodiversity of the world ecosystem, reducing both their resilience and bio capacity. People need to be educated for a better management of renewable and non-renewable resources along with waste management. This would increase the assimilative capacity of the environment. The critical issue of “Climate Change”, as pioneered by the Hon’ble prime-minister of India at UN calls for a serious thought by educationists. Education can bring about a change in land use for urbanisation, agriculture and pastures, resulting in a marked impact on global water, carbon, and nitrogen biochemical cycles. There is an urgent need to bring about an awareness of benefits that accrue from sustainable parks, gardens and green cities for all including PwDs. It is here that education can play a major role.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Chandana Dey |
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{tooltip}An Impact of Cartoon Animated Science Learning in the Grade 6{end-texte}Abstract – Some researchers claim that animations may hinder students’ meaningful learning or evoke misunderstandings. In order to examine these assertions, this study investigated the effect of animated videos on students’ learning outcomes. In the upper primary level students are of age group between 11-13 years. And they enjoy cartoons or animated videos. Researcher fined some cartoon video related to topic digestive and respiratory system. The videos were edited in regional language.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Neeta Tripathi |
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{tooltip}A Study of Awareness among the Students, Teachers and Parents towards the Importance of Health and Hygiene{end-texte}Abstract – The various sources like government, non-governmental program, TV, radio, newspaper etc, are always making the common man aware about importance of Health and good Hygiene. These sources are making the common people aware about the various ways to remain healthy. The alertness of the sources towards various diseases with their symptoms cure and prevention is valuable duty. But still healthy habits among the rural, tribal area are not seen to be improved. If these alertness had really made a good impact on the rural and tribal areas then the rural and tribal areas would have progressed and developed as areas of urban. May be this health and hygiene unawareness may not be the only reason for their backwardness. The factors like illiteracy; economic condition etc may be also the actors. But among all these actors that affect the progress of an area the researcher took to ‘study the awareness among the students, teachers and parents towards the importance of health and hygiene’ as a research problem.{end-tooltip} |
Mital Patel |
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{tooltip}The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on Student’s Academic Self Efficacy{end-texte}Abstract – A child’s academic achievement is shaped by their perceived academic ability, social and selfregulatory efficacy and academic aspirations. The vicarious influence from other people through positive social models is a key influence on self-efficacy. Self-efficacy can be achieved through the communication with significant others as well as through observation of problem solving techniques. One way for students to promote and practice their prosocial and interpersonal relationships is to be involved in extracurricular activities outside of school.{end-tooltip} |
Parul Attarwala |
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{tooltip}Adjustment Measurement test for Students of Standard 9th and 10th of Mehsana District{end-texte}Abstract – The statement of problems was “Construction and Standardization of Adjustment Measurement test for Students of standard 9th and 10th of Mehsana District. The researcher had decided objectives considering her limited sources, energy and time. Independent variables were gender (male-female), standard of students Adjustment Measurement Test. Students of standard 9th and 10th of Gujarati Medium of Mehsana District of education year 2011-12 were selected as universe in the present study. Among which 225 students were selected as sample for the present study. To collect data the researcher had constructed self made tool Adjustment Measurement Test. After getting data from students, analysis was done by ’t’ value. Null Hypothesis was constructed to clear her objectives. Analysis was done for each Hypothesis. The field of research was Educational Psychology. The research was practical as well as statistical.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Alkaben C. Panchal |
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{tooltip}Views of Teacher Educators about Education of Spirituality among B.Ed. Trainees in Kadi Taluka{end-texte}Abstract – When we think of sustainable society, we think in terms of a culture of peace, economic justice, respect for nature, welfare of all, acceptance of divine brother hood. The limitations of the formal education system make us find out a vehicle to reach to destination and the vehicle is none other than spirituality. Spiritual intelligence gives us our integrity. It is the intelligence of deep self. It is the intelligence which asks fundamental questions and with the help of which we reframe our answers. Spiritual intelligence enables a person to understand the deeper meaning in life, the ultimate purpose of our existence. These questions are important as they determine our behaviour and our interactions with society. The B.Ed. trainees are the teachers of tomorrow. Do they need to be taught about spirituality? The researcher tried to find out the views of the teacher educators about the importance of education of spirituality among B.Ed. trainees. A self-made interview schedule was used. The items of the interview schedule included the questions on the concept of spirituality, why is the education of spirituality necessary among B.Ed. trainees, how will it be beneficial to society, etc. 15 teacher educators from Mehsana City were selected as sample. They were consulted and their responses were noted down. Qualitative analysis of the responses of was carried out and findings were drawn out. Most of the teacher educators were of the view that spiritual intelligence helps a person to understand his/her position as a relative being in the universe. It gives true meaning to life. Teachers are the makers of nation. So, they must be spiritually intelligent. If we want to create value based society, the trainees must have sound knowledge of spirituality. The spiritual teachers will be able to carry out their task in a far better way. In today’s materialistic world, spirituality gives peace of mind. To nourish values among students, it is inevitable that the B.Ed. trainees are taught some lessons of spirituality.{end-tooltip} |
Vaidehi Suthar |
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{tooltip}Need of Environmental Education in Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – Environmental education is important to trigger proactive participation of the teachers and the teacher educators in addressing, debating and protesting on significant environmental issues. This article describes the aims and objectives of environmental education, need and environmental educations, categorizes the environmental education, enlists different examples of formal as well as non-formal education, and discuss the importance of environmental education and teaches the awareness raising strategies.{end-tooltip} |
Niharika Gautam |