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{tooltip}Construction and Standardization of a Spiritual Intelligence scale for Trainees of B.Ed. Colleges of Saurashtra Area{end-texte}Abstract – In this study researcher used three types of variables likes gender, area and college type. For the data collection researcher used survey Method. In this study Stratified random Sampling Method used for data collection. Gujarati Medium B.Ed. Trainees of Saurashtra area to become population of this study.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Janak L. Makwana |
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{tooltip}Effect of Computer Based Learning (CBL) on the Students of Standard 9th{end-texte}Abstract – Educational systems around the world are increasing under pressure to use innovative methodologies and integrate new information and communication technologies (ICIS) in the teaching and learning process, to teach students the knowledge and skills they need in the 21st Century. Clements (2002) has shown that children working in pairs at the computer engaged more than when working on puzzles on the floor. Yelland (2002) explored the use of computers in the home to develop mathematical ideas and reported that there was considerable potential for computer games to support such learning. Similarly, working at computers has been found to create opportunities for the development of social skills (Lau, 2000). Studies have found that open-ended, child-directed software made a more significant difference in children’s developmental gains than did ‘drill and practice’ software (Haugland, 1997). Via this study the researcher concluded that CBL is highly effective learning method in language teaching.{end-tooltip} |
Vaishali J. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}Innovative Practice in Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – Multiple intelligence is an outcome of the thinking of Gardner 1983. He based his work on Brain researches particularly in the area of multiple intelligence and learning style. Teacher effectiveness can be well observed in teachers, who are aware of multiple intelligence. A teacher with awareness of multiple intelligence can generate new knowledge effectively. A professional teacher never tries to identify learners with rough ideas imbibed of limited rationalized and stereotype observation. Therefore, he needs an intellectual support to understand human as an individual with all its angles psychologically supported. The learners are also types in many ways. This paper indicates general types of learner just to enhance understanding of a learner in a better way. Some basic contents of learning style add in the understanding.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Pinakinprasad K Yagnik |
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{tooltip}Blending Critical Thinking Skills in Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – This paper will therefore discuss the concept of critical thinking and its skills. It will highlight the Need to teach critical thinking skills at teacher and Characteristics of critical thinking at education level. It will also explore the strategies for teaching critical thinking as well as the possible challenges. It will finally make recommendations for overcoming the challenges.{end-tooltip} |
Roma Rupal Frank |
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{tooltip}Role of English in the Context of Contemporary Developments{end-texte}Abstract – English is inherently a borrowing and an anglicizing language which the accidents of history have made it the most important language for wider communication and most useful to study. Perhaps, the reasons for the predominance of English can be found related to two important phenomena in the world, i.e., the vast expansion of English cultural and commercial influence in many parts of the world by the British imperialism in the nineteenth century, and secondary with the economic influence of the United States of America, in the twentieth century. English is being used as an international language in diplomacy, international trade, tourism, air-traffic controls, etc., English is official language of international aviation and unofficially is the first language of international sports, as well as for international pop-music industry. The rapidly developing technology of the English speaking countries started spreading more programs on the media like radio, television, films, recordings and books readily available to the developing countries. The present paper described the role of English in contemporary era with its advantage and present scenario of English Language.{end-tooltip} |
Shaileshkumar C. Yogi |
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{tooltip}Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation: Challenges and Plausible Solutions{end-texte}Abstract – Education is important for a good start in life. It forms a skeleton for the students to flesh out his/her development. But for any student to fulfill his or her potential, timely and proper assessment is even more imperative as only after this proper guidance can be given on how to move forward, improve, develop different facets of personality, polish rough edges, till the finisher product emerges. But comprehensive, proper and timely assessment is lacking in today’s system, as they give value to learning by rote. Thus to improve this Continuous and Comprehension Evaluation pattern can be one way but its implementation and that too in proper way is found to be very difficult and thus some challenges and possible solutions of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation has been presented in the present paper.{end-tooltip} |
Babubhai P. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Quality Concerns in Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – Professional development of secondary level teachers has been an area of great concern for teacher educators. Generally there are three different ways of achieving professional development among teachers.
- Acquainting the teachers with modern ways of curriculum transaction.
- Showing them models of good teaching and
- Training them to reflect on their own teaching.
In the days of fast changing economy training a teacher, to be a reflective thinker proves to be useful as it makes them a lifelong learner. In this method teachers are expected to use their classroom as laboratories to study the learning process as it applies to their particular discipline.{end-tooltip} |
Renu Singh |
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{tooltip}Selection and Formulation of a Research Problem{end-texte}Abstract – There is no short cut to research. One has to go through every phase of it in detail. Often, studentresearchers hastily skip the stage of choosing and formulating a research problem by borrowing or imitating a title which is wrongly presumed to be a research problem and then face difficulties later. Here are some tips to select and formulate a research problem.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jaya P. Mulrajani |
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{tooltip}A Study of Effectiveness of a Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Programme in English Language Teaching at Primary Level{end-texte}Abstract – This study aims at investigating the effect of a Computer Assisted Language Learning Programme on Gujarati students learning English at primary level. The sample of the study consisted of 140 students randomly selected from two schools and assigned to experimental and control groups. Data were collected within a week period via a pre-posttest design. The findings of the study indicated that using a Computer Assisted Language Learning Programme in English Language teaching alongside the traditional method has a positive effect on the experimental group students’ achievement and the winds of change are blowing in English language teaching (ELT) is an instrument of change at the same time, it is itself changing constantly due to research and innovations. In the sphere of teaching and learning of second or foreign language, quite a number of approaches and methods are available.{end-tooltip} |
Dharmistha B. Patel |
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{tooltip}A Study of Awareness on HIV/AIDS of Adolescents of Mehsana District in North Gujarat area{end-texte}Abstract – The aim of the present study was to find out awareness and knowledge on HIV/AIDS of adolescent in rural area of Mehsana district in Gujarat. The sample of the study constricted of 400 adolescents (200 males and 20 females). The focus of the study was RURAL area of some villages in Mehsana district and North Gujarat Region. Data collection procedure included random sampling method. Data analysis comprised of calculating frequencies and percentage. From the study it was found that majority of the adolescents do not have knowledge and awareness regarding HIV/AIDS.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilesh B. Gajjar |
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A Comparative Study of Traditional Teaching Method and Computerized Self Learning Material |