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{tooltip}Study of Quality Boost through NAAC Accreditation Process{end-texte}Abstract – The IQAC coordinators need to be trained in the process of monitoring quality at their institution along with the heads of the institutions, a committee of IQAC coordinators can be made and a pool of resource persons can be built to discuss problems related to quality and to motivate the teams to work towards excellence, NAAC peer team visit must be recorded and some ways to monitor the authenticity of the reports need to be arrived at, Soft copy of the report may be submitted. This will reduce the cost of NAAC accreditation process, NACC must build a pool of resources and mechanisms to guide the colleges towards excellence not just accredit them, IQAC reports of the colleges are submitted to NACC the same may be forwarded to UGC, NCTE so as to track the progress of the colleges and enable colleges to get funds for research and so on. This should be made a policy decision and will support transparency in the system.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Devendra Ameta et al. |
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{tooltip}Quality sustenance and Enhancement in NAAC Accredited Institutions{end-texte}Abstract – ‘Quality Education’ has become a very important need as well as a matter of concern in the recent past. The uneasiness is no longer limited to educational field. The parents, employers, government and many others are becoming just as concerned. Quality has become indispensible in the context of contemporary demand made on education on account of global competition. Quality may be defined in terms of excellence, perfection, standards and competencies for work, consistency and relevance. The post-accreditation activity is shift from quality assurance towards quality enhancement. Every stakeholder of higher education has to play a significant role in this quality sustenance and enhancement process. Role of IQAC, teachers, students, etc is important one.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Manish R. Raval |
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{tooltip}Quality of Writing of Discussion and Drawing Conclusion in Relation to Interdisciplinary Research{end-texte}Abstract – Interdisciplinary research is an approach of research by teams or individuals that integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts and theories from two or more disciplines to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice. It involves researchers, students and teachers and incorporating several academic schools of thought, professions or technologies along with their specific perspectives in the pursuit of a common task. The basic format for interdisciplinary research report constitutes Introduction, Methods, Result and Discussion. Cherry (2010), found that researchers who used the term Discussion would use the term Conclusion to mean the end product of their discussion and it considered a very long writing section then added a short separate conclusion section at the end. This section is one of the hardest to write, many research papers are rejected due to a faulty discussion or because the interpretation offered does not do justice to the results. Extra effort is needed to endorse the shape of interdisciplinary research from different disciplines to merge expertise from several knowledge domains and to overcome the problems of writing of discussion and drawing conclusion in relation to this research.{end-tooltip} |
Nabin Thakur |
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{tooltip}New Approaches of Educational Leadership{end-texte}Abstract – The 21st Century brings new challenges and promises. The challenges of leadership are even greater. A leader is an individual (or a set of individuals) who significantly affects the thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors of a significant number of individuals. Most acknowledged leaders are “direct”. They address their public face-to-face. A leader creates change. Leaders do not create lasting results by demanding compliance from others. It might work in the short term, but not in the long run. A school is more than an educational institution; it is the blue print of the future generation and a future society. Schools help establish communities. The leadership in schools should be a driving force in reforming the society, and this very important and difficult task can be accomplished through the team-effort of all those involved in leadership, the school board and the principal. Today the principalship is dynamic, complex, and demanding. The leadership must “appraise the present, anticipate the future, and help develop a school vision in collaboration with the various school stakeholders (Speck, 1999). Schools can be the change agents in reforming the society and promoting the community. It is not sufficient to bring into schools the latest in technology and science, what is more important is to intertwine this with the moral fabric. What then should be the leadership model for school principals? It is the model, which complements the latest in science, technology, and education.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jignesh B. Patel |
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{tooltip}Teaching of Philosophy and Sociology of Education through Learning Tasks and its impact on Perception on Education{end-texte}Abstract – The theoretical contents play very crucial part in Teacher Education. But at the same time he delivery of these contents are also important. It has been observed that in many teacher education programs focuses on practical teaching at school level but they overlook the need for learning of theory papers. As a result the student teachers treat these subjects as examination point of view. In the present paper the researcher has discussed the impact of learning activities on perception on Education. The researcher has developed a Learning Centered Activity Package (LACP) for Philosophy and Sociology of education for B.Ed trainees and tried to measure its impact on perception on education of student teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nileshkumar S. Pandya |
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{tooltip}A Preliminary Study of Impulsivity for the Students of Higher Secondary School{end-texte}Abstract – Present Study has been done to know the problems of Higher Secondary School Students. This Study is done to know effect of gender, cast, stander & area. In the present study Researcher has use the translate Guajarati version of BIS-11on the basis of the achieved scores of the data distributed as per the variable of the study, calculated average, standard error and C.R. for the assessment of the null hypotheses.{end-tooltip} |
Hasit Sadhu |
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{tooltip}A Study on Professional Competency in Relation to Self Efficacy of Madrasa Teachers in West Bengal{end-texte}Abstract – The present study tries to find out the self efficacy and professional competency of the Madrasa teachers in relation to their gender, strata and academic experience and the relationship between Professional competency and Self Efficacy. The sample is collected through random sampling and it includes Madrasa teachers of West Bengal. The sample is categorised into gender, strata, academic experience wise. The collected data are analysed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The study shows that self efficacy and professional competency of teachers differ in relation to gender, strata, and academic experience. Male teachers have better self-efficacy and professional competency than female teachers. The study shows that experience teacher (above 5 years) have better self efficacy as well as professional competency than lower experienced teachers (below 5 years). The study shows that there is a significant correlation between the self efficacy and professional competency among Madrasa teachers. This study helps educational administrator and supervisor to evaluate teachers with respect to teaching learning process.{end-tooltip} |
Arnab Pan |
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{tooltip}Views of Teacher Educators about the Role of Team Building in Quality Sustenance in Teacher Training Institutes{end-texte}Abstract – The fact that teacher is the backbone of society cannot be denied and hence teacher training need to be quality oriented and must perform best practices that ensure quality of training. Teacher morale, faculty cohesiveness and school climate all have a greater impact on student learning than any other factors. Team building in teacher training institutes help in sustaining quality of teaching learning process. The researchers tried to find out the views of the teacher educators about the role of team building in quality sustenance in teacher training institutes. A self-made interview schedule was used. The items of the interview schedule included the questions on the concept of team building and quality sustenance, why it is necessary to develop team building among teachers, what are the benefits, what are the possible threats for team building and how to overcome them. 15 teacher educators from Mehsana City were selected as sample. They were consulted and their responses were noted down. Qualitative analysis of the responses was carried out and findings were drawn out. Most of the teacher educators were of the view that team building is the best way to collaborative, high performing teams that will also increase faculty morale and student s performance. Team building also develops self-esteem and breaks down barriers and higher level of job satisfaction. Differences of thinking might serve as threats but they can be overcome if the TEAM is ready to accept all coworkers with deeper understanding.{end-tooltip} |
Nimesh R. Hadiyol |