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{tooltip}Previous Credit System in the United States and European Countries{end-texte}Abstract – When the world is increasingly defined as a ‘Global Village’, it is easy to understand the value of competition and compatibility of one nation with the leading nations of the world. When Universities are striving to achieve qualitative reforms, it is obvious that the Choice Based Credit System will get due priority. With most of the advanced nations of the world following the Credit System in Education, it is necessary to understand the, importance of Credit System if one is to attain compatibility and uniformity; them. Thus not only is it desirable to bring uniformity within the nation, but also with other nations. Hence, it goes without saying that it is imperative to understand what is the credit system and how does it work in the United States and the various countries of Europe.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Vitthalbhai V. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}A Study Regarding the Self-Concept of Degree Colleges’ Principals{end-texte}Abstract – Self-concept refers to the experience of one’s being. It includes what people come to know about themselves through experience, reflection, and feedback from others. The self-concept is an organized cognitive structure comprised of set of attitudes, beliefs and values that cut across all facts of experience and action, organizing and tying together the variety of specific habits, abilities, outlooks, ideas and feeling that a person display. The discussion that follows address first the origin and history of theoretical analysis of the self, self-concept and self esteem; this is followed by a review of psychological aspects of development of self-concept and an overview of methods of assessment of self-concept. Here, the investigator has selected self-concept variables for principal in relation Rural & Urban area, also Arts, Arts-commerce and Special Course.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Bhavnaben M. Patel |
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{tooltip}Role of Schools and Teachers for the Value of Honesty{end-texte}Abstract – In the present time Computer Education, Management Education, Education for Peace, Environmental Education and Adolescent Education have gained prominent place in education. The concept of Value Education is such that Value Education is very much required in the present social life; Value Education contributes in individual’s life and through it moral development of society could be enhanced.
A tree becomes meaningful or successful when it becomes full with fruits and flowers. In the same way, human life is like tree. In the same way, the life of human being becomes meaningful when different virtues like service, humility, patience, kindness and holiness become integral part of his or her life and till all these virtues don’t become part and parcel of the life individual’s life cannot become Complete Life or Divine Life. The main objective of education is to enrich human life with Completeness and Divinity. Such practices are not seen in the present education system. Therefore, it is the demand of present time that we should find a new direction or a way so that human being can be made Human Being in real sense. Value education is not the subject that can be taught but it is the subject to put into practice. Its direct and indirect effects can be seen in the society. To establish values, it is necessary to plan lessons by referring to the values inherent in the lessons of the subject. In our textbooks, there is rich treasure of values. It is necessary to discuss the lesson with the help of values that are inherent in the lessons while conducting teaching practices in the classrooms and as a result values can be inculcated in the lives of the students and with the help of these values different skills can be developed in the lives of the students.
The environment in the schools should be such that moral values can be cultivated among the students since the cultivation of values is taking place in the nearby environment and social conditions.{end-tooltip} |
Ankit R. Prajapati |
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{tooltip}Quality Concerns in Practice Teaching{end-texte}Abstract – India is a developing country facing acute and chronic problem to produce high quality student teachers. At this juncture, it is necessary to evolve and concentrate on the strategies to expand quality of practice teaching programme in the teacher education institutions. This paper should aim at encouraging initiative qualitative practice teaching programme.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Hema P. Bhagwat |
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{tooltip}Effectiveness of Ashtangayoga Programme on the Memory Ability and Academic Achievement of Primary Students{end-texte}Abstract – Today’s in era of information & Technology, students are under a lot of
stress. So they lose the concentration in what they are doing. Sometimes they can’t remember what they learnt. They become lower achievers. It can be improve by yoga. The objective of the present study was “effectiveness of Patanjal Ashtangayoga programme on Primary student’s memory ability and academic achievement.” For that researchers prepared a twenty days programme based on Patanjal Asthanga Yoga. The daily 30 minutes workout consisted seven components: deep utterance of Aumkara, inspirational events or play based on Yama & Niyama, some exercises of Yoga relaxation, some selected yogasana, pranayama, Dharna (meditation) and Shantipath. The programme was conducted daily early in the morning before they start their study. The memory test for measuring memory ability was developed and standardized. For measurement of academic achievement the marks obtained in the six months and annual examinations were considered. Two experiments were conducted; one was on primary boys students and second was on primary girls students. There were two groups one was experimental and second was control group. The Yoga programme was implemented on experimental group only. The data were collected from both the groups of each experiment before and after implementing the yoga programme using memory test and examination scores. The data were analyzed by analysis of covariance. Conclusions of the study suggested that the present programme was significantly effective on the memory ability and academic achievement of boys and girls students.{end-tooltip} |
Rita A. Parmar |
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{tooltip}A Study of the Values Imbibed in the Science Text books for Primary Level{end-texte}Abstract – Value education is essential for development of a healthy and balanced society. A human desire always opts for building a better future and a happy and peaceful society. By building a happy and peaceful life and diverse culture we need to establish world recognized and eternal values by which the feeling of unity and integrity among fellow countrymen is awaked and religious blind beliefs, violence, superstitions and other evils can be removed. A student who inculcates physical and social values is the outcome of the life values of the society.{end-tooltip} |
Sunil N. Patel |
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{tooltip}Study of Strontium – Manganese Mixed Tartrate Crystals and Thermogravimetric Analysis{end-texte}Abstract – There are a variety of crystals grown having numerous applications in science and technology. It is always of interest to study their physical and chemical properties. There are many other mixed crystals grown by different workers by the gel growth. Here we discuss about the growth and characterization of mixed Strontium-Manganese Levo-Tartrate crystals. In the supernatant solutions, the different amounts of SrCl2 and MnCl2 solutions were added in such a way that the total volume of the supernatant solutions remained constant. Observations were noted two days after pouring supernatant solutions on set gel.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a very useful technique to assess the thermal stability of various substances; many workers have demonstrated its usefulness. Many authors have reported TGA for various tartrate crystals.{end-tooltip} |
Divyang H. Gandhi & Sanjay B. Kansara |