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{tooltip}The Field Realism of Future Teacher through CBCS and Semester System{end-texte}Abstract – Quoting UNESCO’S resolution of October 5, 1968 on status of teachers, the role of the teacher has been specified as-“The purpose of a teacher preparation should be to develop in each student his general education and personal culture, his ability to teach and educate others, an awareness of the principles which underlie good human relations and sense o responsibility to contribute both by teaching and example to social, cultural and economic progress” The UGC report had suggested following issues to be addressed under the Eleventh plan:
- Lower enrolment in higher education;
- Inter-state and inter-district disparities and rural-urban differences in the access to higher education;
- Inter-caste, inter-religion, male-female, poor-non-poor disparities in access to higher education;
- Issue of quality in higher education;
- Issue of providing relevant education;
- Academic reforms in Universities and Colleges; and
- Regulation of private educational institutes.
It is gratifying to note that, eventually, the Eleventh Plan has addressed most of these issues, and developed policies and programmes accordingly. Its main focus is on expansion in higher education with inclusiveness, quality, relevance, and with academic reform. (Retrieved from Under the title of Academic Reforms in Higher Education under chapter-8; UGC has included the plan of Semester System & CBCS System. This article assume that the future education through Semester System & CBCS System.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Girishkumar P. Raval |
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{tooltip}Techniques and Methods of Sanskrit Language Teaching in Education{end-texte}Abstract – It is very essential for a language teacher to teach the lesson of Sanskrit language very effectively and qualitatively in today’s class room. Now a day there is various teaching methods and techniques to be introduced by language teacher for language lesson teaching in the class room. According to me there is a superior way for Sanskrit language teacher is that, the teacher must teaches their lesson through the multiple and reciprocal use of the teaching methods as well as its techniques in current class room interaction and for learning through students oriented methods. In this article I want to convey the qualitative way for Sanskrit language teaching as well as for Sanskrit method teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Ashokkumar L. Patel |
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{tooltip}Women Empowerment: A Great Step towards Social Justice{end-texte}Abstract – Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-dependence necessary to participate fully in the development process of any society. Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for women because the educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generation. The girls who have been educated can easily recognize the importance of health care and know how to seek it for themselves and their children that leads to smaller and healthier families. Education of women makes them aware towards their rights and entrenches them with the confidence to claim it. Women constitute almost half of the population in the world so the women empowerment is crucial to the economic growth of any country. In most of the developing countries like India, the women’s literacy rates are significantly lower than men’s that needs to meet the requirements despite reforms. The rise of feminist movements led to the tremendous improvement of women’s condition throughout the world in recent times. Their access to education is increasing but a little has been achieved in the area of women empowerment, so for this to happen, this sector must experience a chain of reforms. Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. A woman is entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. The importance of gender equality is underscored by its inclusion as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving the other seven goals. A critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives. Women’s empowerment is vital to sustainable development and the realization of human rights for all. Where women’s status is low, family size tends to be large, which makes it more difficult for families to thrive. Population and development and reproductive health programmes are more effective when they address the educational opportunities, status and empowerment of women. When women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often have ripple effects to future generations.{end-tooltip} |
Narendra Kumar Pathak |
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{tooltip}A Study of Effectiveness of Perceptions of Teacher-Trainee towards TET examination{end-texte}Abstract – Teacher education programme is the most effective and verities of experiences where, teacher education provide them constant feedback to make their specialized advance as well as teacher trainees are also notes their lessons and give them necessary practical endures changes for the finest kind of teacher hood. The role of the teacher trines are most crucial because at this phase they have to learn and to monitors to training of the professional matter of commitment, directly or indirectly among the teacher trainee. From the above related literature it is also noted that the teacher commitment is the best conjecturer of job contentment among school teachers and stay-back is the factor which is most extremely and expressively related to commitment. In the field of the education professional commitment should be the key point, which will be useful to predict about the feature performance of the teacher trainee with situation to teacher education. It is very essential to distinguish the discernments of impending teacher, who are teacher trainee at contemporaneous time and sophisticated about teaching occupation. Hence the present study was under taken to identify the responsible variables and factors regarding the discernment of teacher trainee towards TET examination.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nileshkumar B. Gajjar |
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{tooltip}Superior Education and Partial Funding of Operating Costs, and Potential Changes after the Origin{end-texte}Abstract – Higher Education is heavily subsidized in India. In all the states, on whose shoulders the ultimate responsibility of financing higher education rest, the contribution of students’ fees at all level has substantially declined over the last four decades and the contribution of the state government has gone up almost to the point of totality. For instance, in Uttar Pradesh, the largest State of India, with as many as 25 Universities and 419 degree colleges, the contribution of fees in higher education, which was 32 percent of the total in 1950-51, came down to 19 percent in 1979-80. Subsequently, owing to substantial increase in public financing of higher Education and stagnant rates of fees, there has occurred a further decline. For example, in Lucknow University alone, whose annual budget is over Rs.13 corers, the contribution of fees is Rs. 76 lakh only, thus accounting for less than six percent of the University budget in 1990-91.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Ashish Thakar |
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{tooltip}A Study of Critical Thinking of Students of Secondary Schools{end-texte}Abstract – The objectives of the present research study were: (1) to compare Critical Thinking with reference to level of education (standard), gender and habitat of Students of Secondary school. (2) to compare Critical Thinking with reference to level of education (standard), gender and habitat of Students of Secondary school (3) to find the correlation between the different group of Students of Secondary schools with reference to Critical gender and total sample. Independent Variable: (A) Gender (male/Female), (B) Habitat (Rural/Urban) and Dependent Variable: Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Academic Achievement.; Research Area: The present research study was conducted taking sample of students from secondary ; from Grant-in-aid school of Mehsana City. Research Design: The present research was Descriptive Survey by its nature. Population and Sample of the Study: The population of the study was the students from secondary; from Secondary schools of Mehsana city. The sample for the study was selected by using random sampling method. Research Method: In the present investigation survey method was employed. Tools of the Study: To collect the data for the present investigation Critical Thinking Test (Prepared by Investigator) was used. Data Collection: Data for the present research was collected by the investigator. Statistical Treatment: For the calculation of the data, the researcher had employed the formulas of Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-value. Findings: From the above research paper it is found that there is not any significant effect of gender and habitat on Critical Thinking of Secondary students. Group of Higher secondary school students are found significantly higher than the group Secondary school students. It means growing age of the person is related with the perception towards the Critical Thinking It has been also found that there is positive correlation found between Critical Thinking and Academic Achievement of total students of secondary students. It is evident that Academic Achievement of school student is related with Critical Thinking of students.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Lattakumari D. Sharma |
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{tooltip}Influence of Socio-Economic Status (SES) on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students{end-texte}Abstract – This study was conducted on 544 secondary school students to find out the influence of Socioeconomic status (SES) on Academic achievement and achievement in school subjects. The investigator hypothesized that there is no significant difference between different categories of SES (upper, middle and lower) and mean difference between the categories of SES in respect of Academic achievement and achievement in school subjects. In fact, the investigator found that there is a significant mean difference between different categories of SES (upper, middle and lower). It was found that there was much difference in academic achievement and achievement of different school subjects of secondary school students and achievement increases with the increase in SES.{end-tooltip} |
Sheeraz Ahmad Rather |
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{tooltip}Knowledge Management in Higher Education{end-texte}Abstract – The future of the educational institutions not only depends on the acquisition, storage, publication and retrieval but also on how the knowledge is filtered, organized and shared to achieve their mission and goals. Knowledge networks of the educational organizations should be equipped with the next generation of tools, perspectives, e-knowledge, skilled manpower and practices of knowledge sharing.{end-tooltip} |
Mahesh R. Solanki |
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{tooltip}Blended Learning: A New Concept in Education{end-texte}Abstract – Life in the new knowledge society demands more independent and responsible behavior. The progress in quality of life can’t be achieved without preparing people for the knowledge society. They need to learn how to seek out new information, think critically and take initiative to meet the challenges of a fast-changing world. Learning is a journey, and has intrinsic merit if it moves in the right direction. Education in general is undergoing rapid transition form the traditional teacher dominated teaching to the more self-motivated mode, constructivism. This paradigm shift frames learning holistically, recognizing that the chief agents in the process are ‘learners’ and they construct knowledge out of their experiences.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Suman Dalal |
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{tooltip}The Role of Life-Long Education to Create a Learning Society{end-texte}Abstract – Education is a natural and continuous process. It goes on from cradle to the grave. A person or a child starts learning as soon as he is born. Ulich Robert says: “Education is the constant interaction among people and between people and the objective world.” Thus a person learns day by day in his lifetime. A person is also a part of society. The prosperity and status of the person and status of the person and society affects each other. If we want to change the society we should try to change the members of the society. The members can get change about their skills, knowledge, competence, thinking and existence. If we want to create a learning society first of all we have to try that each person should be a learner forever. Each member of the society have learning nature, we have to give importance to the skills of learning to learn.{end-tooltip} |
Dipti B. Kundal |
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{tooltip}Contribution of Education in Social Change{end-texte}Abstract – Change is a law of nature. Change can brought about in the live people of society. New ideas origin in a Society through education which have more importance in maintaining a system or culture. It is the responsibility of a society to provide education to that individual or social development of all the members of a society can be done. Education enables unity, integrity and appropriate balance in a society. Therefore, education is very essential for social development and change for the people of a society. The present Study aims to present the role of education in social change by eradicating the resisting factors of the social change.{end-tooltip} |
Kamlesh S. Taral |