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{tooltip}Effect of Machining Parameters on Surface Roughness in Hard Turning Process{end-texte}Abstract – The development of more wear-resistant tool materials such as Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN) and ceramics have made hard turning a potential alternative to grinding operations in the finishing of hard materials. The effect of machining parameters has long been an issue in understanding mechanics of turning. Machining parameters has significant influence on chip formation, heat generation, tool wear, surface finish and surface integrity during turning Therefore, an effort has been made in this research to evaluate the effect of machining parameters nose radius, cutting speed and feed rate on surface roughness when turning tool steel H-11 with CBN tool. Machining trials was performed based on full factorial design under dry condition on Lathe in which I have measured surface roughness. The combined effects of the process parameters on performance characteristics are investigated using ANOVA analysis. Results shows that nose radius and feed rate significantly affect surface roughness.{end-tooltip} |
Sunil P. Maghodiya et al. |
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{tooltip}Optimization of MRR, Surface Roughness and KERF Width in wire EDM Using Molybdenum Wire{end-texte}Abstract – The wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is one of the latest non-traditional machining processes, based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and wire. The performance of the process, to a large extent, depends on the tool material, work piece material &manufacturing method of the tool. A suitable selection of tool can reduce the cost of machining. The performance of WEDM is find out on the basis of Material Removal Rate (MRR), KERF Width and Surface Roughness (SR). The important machining parameters of EDM which affecting on the performance parameters are discharge current, pulse on time, pulse off time, arc gap, flushing pressure, servo voltage and wire tension. Taguchi design of experiments is used to conduct experiments by varying the parameters servo voltage, pulse on time and pulse off time. The process performance is measured in terms of Material Removal Rate (MRR), KERF Width and Surface Roughness (SR). In this research WEDM experiment using 0.25 mm diameter molybdenum wire & EN-31 tool Steel work piece has been done for optimizing MRR, KERF width, Surface finish and reducing cost of manufacturing. By using multi objective optimization technique grey relational theory, the optimal value is obtained for MRR, surface roughness and KERF width.{end-tooltip} |
Dhruv H. Gajjar et al. |
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{tooltip}Degrading Indonesian Vocational Middle School Students’ Writing Anxiety Using Classroom Action Research of EFL through Low-Cost IT-Based Integration Learning{end-texte}Abstract – Writing is a complex process, which (may) burdens students psychologically or resists their skill development. That is the reason how the class become tormenting place. Since the anxiety level in writing ability give the perception of enthusiasm, the product and process became difficult to handle. The purpose of this study was to identify in what students worried and does CAR using IT-based integration degrade writing anxiety level among Indonesian Vocational Middle school students. A Classroom Action Research which was conducted from 18 students of a vocational school in Solo, Indonesia, whose their level of anxiety was high. The results showed that students generally appear to be anxious in the class; anxiety quietly dominated in communication, the test, negative evaluation. The results of cycles showed that the means, Minimum Completion Standard, and t-test significance degrade their anxiety level when ICT-based integration supporting what they have in writing. The motivation which is analogous of anxiety, which researcher used in pre-cycles and pot-cycles shows that students eager in writing skill of EFL.{end-tooltip} |
Edtwin Sulispiyanto |
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{tooltip}A Strategic Roadmap to Improve Quality of Higher Education in India{end-texte}Abstract – In India, the present education system has emerged as a giant knowledge society where the more stress is put on quality education and knowledge creation. After independence, there has been a major transformation in higher education system. In fact, there have been considerably rising in number of higher education institutions, courses, degrees and students. But, the key objective of a nation cannot be achieved simply with increasing in number of higher education institutions. Due to mushrooming of colleges, education system has faced great challenges leading to the risk of quality education. This paper mainly covers major suggestions to the improvement in quality of higher education through strategic roadmap and benchmarking which will give new directions to bring higher education system of India on quality track.{end-tooltip} |
Sushilkumar M. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Effect of Adolescence Education Programme, Age and Sex on Adolescence Awareness of Adolescents{end-texte}Abstract – This study investigated effect of adolescence education programme, age and sex on adolescence awareness of adolescents. So, researcher has to decide this study, the sample of this study 320 adolescent students of secondary schools, in which 160 for experimental group and 160 for control group and measurement the adolescence awareness, the tool prepared by researcher. Data manipulation according to variables and hypotheses of this study and found that mean score of adolescence education programme group is significantly higher than that of control group, mean score of adolescent students is significantly higher than that of pre-adolescent students and mean score of boys is significantly higher than that of girls.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Rajesh I. Bhatt |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Admission and Evaluation Procedure of CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and IB Secondary Schools{end-texte}Abstract – In the modern school system there has been the existence of various Boards of Education. These boards of Education claim to prepare the students for various forthcoming challenges in their lives. It is because of this parent are in dilemma as to which board will suit the best for the education of their child. This study attempts to explore the similarities and diversity existing, with reference to admission process and evaluation system in the schools affiliated to various boards of education. Total 23 English medium schools of various boards in Ahmadabad city are taken as a sample for study. Two different types of tools are used to collect the data regarding admission process of students in the schools. To study the process of admission of students, a self made questionnaire was used and an informal interview was conducted with the school authority. To study the principals was conducted with regard to the assessment of the student. Being this research a qualitative and quantitative one, the data was analyzed using simple statistical technique and classification of data based on certain parameters. The data was interpreted and conclusions were drawn.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi |